Chapter 27: Mean

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"Chase and Jonathan."

"How do you know they're not just trying to set me up?" He sounded very unimpressed. I'm actually going to die tonight.

"That's what I thought at first but I'm not so sure anymore."

"Who do you think got it for you, Alexa? Chase?" He said through subtly gritted teeth but I picked it up like the elephant in the room.

Whoa. I was really taken aback by that remark. I may be scared to speak up since there was tension in the air right now but that was not nice.

I shook my head and let out an angry sigh. I began to speak in a more annoyed tone. 

"What?! No, Caiden, I'd like to think it was you. And for the record, I do not think it was Chase. I think it was you. I don't know how you know I'm a thirty C in bra sizes and six in underwear but regardless, I'd like to say thank you." My voice softened on the last few words. I let out a deep breath.

He completely stopped what he was doing and turned around. "I don't mind if you think it was Chase. He seems close enough to you to be able to know your intimate sizes." He shrugged his shoulders.

I gasped and glared at him. "What the hell has gotten into you?" I walked up to him as he leaned on his wardrobe and folded his arms. I could now see his face clearly, being closer to the lampshade. All of a sudden, seeing his facial expression made me pity him. I spoke softly. "What happened today? You got home so late."

He shut me down immediately. "You don't need to know that."

He attempted to turn around to go back to what he was doing but I slammed my hand down on his wardrobe. "Look at me, please." He sighed and looked in all sorts of direction, eventually looking at me. "What happened?"

"Look, Alexa, I just want to sleep." He furthered the distance between us by taking a few steps back. I took his place and folded my arms, just blankly looking at him. He took a deep breath. "I guessed your sizes and got lucky, okay? Don't think too much of it. Plus, they're just clothes. I'm sure it's nothing you've never had too much of before. I got the first things I saw 'cause you're probably sick of wearing my clothes." He began to walk back to the bathroom.

"There you go again, calling me a spoilt brat."

He spun around. "I didn't say that."

"You can imply it at the least and I'll still get what you're saying. But you know what I'm trying to say? I'm trying to say thank you." I retaliated. "I don't get why you're so fired up all of a sudden."

There was a deadly silence that hung in the air by a thread as we just stared at each other with blank expressions that screamed a million words.

"You're welcome." He said casually. I let out a soft breath and shook my head. Ridiculous . I walked to the door. "Where are you going?"

"Hmm, let me see. You don't need to know that."

He jogged after me and blocked my path.

He stared me down and I just folded my arms. He spoke to me in an authoritative manner, slowly and quietly. "Where are you going?"

I took a deep breath. "I'm going to sleep on the couch." I said casually and shrugged my shoulders. He glared at me. 

"No you're not."

"The bed's all yours, Caiden."

"I'm not going to go through this for the billionth time with you."

"Take it as a trade for all the clothes you seem to have unwillingly gotten me."

He shook his head and sighed. "It wasn't unwilling. I figured you got sick of wearing my clothes so yeah, I got you a few things."

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