Chapter 46: High Off You

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I finished reading yet another one of my books, Twilight this time. It was now four in the afternoon. Caiden, Noah and Chase went to have another meeting with the rest of the boys because of something urgent. I was getting increasingly worried and Caiden knows that. He just told me that I won't have to worry about a thing once I'm gone. Jonathan apparently had a really sore stomach so he's pretty much bed bound and toilet-bound no doubt. 

Just then, the boys walk in through the garage door.

"Heyyy, Alexa." Chase slurred.

"Aw, look at you. Still have a hangover? You should've had a hot shower when you woke up. It helps."

"About to take one now. Wanna join?" Chase winked and smirked at me.

"Ew, stop it, Chase." I tried to resist my smile. He is so gross. He plopped down beside me to share my blanket. He then puts his arm around me and I tried to scoot over a little. "Ugh. You still wreak of that Bleue Dry thing."

"Daaang. Baby girl knows her liquor now." 

I scoffed. 

Just then, I heard a bunch of pots and pans clanging into the sink that I jumped out of my skin. Chase cursed.

We both look back to see Caiden standing over the skin with his arms holding onto the bench. 

"My bad." He said under his breath with much venom.

"Do you need help, Caiden?" I offered.

He just shook his head. 

I was about to put my book down when another pot slammed on the kitchen bench. I shrieked with my dear life. 

How strange. It's not like him to be clumsy.

"Jesus, Caiden." Noah looked as petrified as we were. The poor guy literally dropped some tools he was doodling with. 

We just stared at him.

Caiden took a deep breath. "Man, I'm feeling so fucking tired. I should nap. Lex, wanna come? You're looking pretty tired too."

{Chase's POV}

Alexa looked at him confused but she also looked rattled to the fucking bone. Way to go, Cai.

"I was about to go up too actually. I'll see you later boys." She smiles a sweet smile.

"See ya, Alexa." Noah waved.

I pursed my lips.

Alexa stood up and put her book down. She made her way to the elevator while Caiden followed closely behind her. She tied her hair in a ponytail.

"Oh c'mon, Lexa. You don't need to impress me. We're only going to bed together, usual." Caiden cleared his throat really loudly, sort of looking my way and smirking.

Yeah, thanks for that. 

"Oh shut up, you disgusting jerk!"

Alexa hits him and he just laughs.

They disappear into the elevator.

I slump back into the couch, Noah and I looking at each other blankly.

What game is he playing, man?

{Alexandria's POV}

Sometimes, I really just want to slap him in the face. If his cockiness were gunpowder, nuclear explosions would be set off every minute.

"I'm tying my hair because it's getting so long and when it gets in my face, it's annoying. The thought of impressing you makes me want to puke." I smiled sarcastically at him.

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