Chapter 11: Someone Up There Hates Me

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My eyes fluttered open.

It took me a few minutes to really get them open. I looked around to see that I was lying on a couch.

It took me another few minutes to process what happened. I sat upright which was a mission.

My head throbbed and I rubbed my eyes but I just felt intense pain shoot me. I winced.

I looked down at both my hands and my hands were absolutely disfigured. Half my hands were wrapped up in surgical tape. I could see under them was brown cotton which wreaked of betadine. I tried touching my hand with the other but the slightest touch just instantly transported me to a world of pain.

Although I remembered what happened, it was a blur.

"You broke it."

I spun my head to see who came up behind me without me noticing.

Of course it was.

"Broke what?"

"Your hands, what else?" I didn't respond. He folded his arms in a menacing manner. "Are you severely claustrophobic by any chance?"

"Excuse me? Why would you ask me that?"

"Oh you can lie as much as you want but it's pretty damn clear by how you left that room you were in - and how you left yourself." He looked down at my shirt and so did I.

I was covered in dark, red stains. No way this was blood. Was it that bad? What has gotten into me? Claustrophobia? I thought that wasn't even a big deal - just a mere phobia.

He chuckles evilly and leans back on the couch opposite me. He throws his hands behind his head and I swore, by the size of his biceps, his black, skin tight tee was going to rip. "You should see my clothes. Worse than yours. I had to shower."

I started to put two and two together.

"You should have left me at it then. Wouldn't have you caused you any trouble." I said through gritted teeth, folded my arms and looked away.

"All good. Don't gotta thank me for my amazing first aid skills. Buuuut yeah nah you ain't gonna try to kill yourself again, just until I get my hands on that money."

"What knocked me out so fast?" I glared at him.

"Chloroform that's heavily lavender scented for extra effect. The chloroform is what knocks you out but then the lavender kicks in and it's as if you just fell asleep. I mean, it's three AM now so you slept for nine hours."

"Is that the most gentle act I'm going to get around here?"

"Depending on how much of a good girl you are."

I rolled my eyes at the response. Super pathetic.

"Well is there a bigger room around here that I can sleep in? I want to sleep, at my own will." I said sternly. "I don't care if I have to sleep on the floor."

"See? Told you you had claustrophobia. Follow me." He leads me down a short and empty hallway with one room down the end and stands at the door which was wooden this time. "You didn't ask for a bed but here's me giving you one anyway. Could've given you the one with like fifty dead rats. I'd argue that's what you deserve." What an obnoxious asshole. I enter the room which was definitely twice as big as the last one. It had plain, white walls and a concrete floor. The only thing in it was a dim white light hanging from the ceiling and instead of a single bed, it was a Queen, thankfully. "I'm still going to lock you up but try punching the walls again and your hand will go right through." He maintains a stare down at me while he bites his bottom lip and bangs on the wall with the side of his fist. "You hear that? Hollow. Won't take someone long to come down and hit you with that thing again." He scoffs.

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