Chapter 17: Fake Blood

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Wait, what?



Riley and Caiden are cousins?

That's probably the only reason why Caiden gave him a second chance.

It's such a sad thing when blood turn on each other but to Caiden, I wouldn't be surprised if that didn't matter much to him anymore.

Something tells me I have a lot to learn about the Corleones.

"Do you have any better ideas?" Caiden asked, pissed.

There was a brief pause.

Noah spoke up. "We can't turn him into the cops. He'll snitch us out. If we leave him on the street, he's going to find the CMB's and snitch us out too. They'll kill him afterwards for sure but he'll do anything to get back at us."

"We drive him interstate."

"What?" Chase, Noah and I all lean forward and say in unison.

"I have people I know who can do my bidding for me. I can't leave New Jersey."

I sighed a breath of relief... because we'd all be doomed if he left us here alone.

"Then what?" Chase asked with a confused expression.

"They'll turn him over."

"To who?" Noah asks.

"The police, dumbass."

"He'll snitch us out." Chase exclaimed.

"No one gives two fucks about what happens interstate. They'll either not believe him or just won't care. There are gangs everywhere for fuck's sake. It's a risk we'll have to take." Caiden squinted at the floor and rubbed his lower lip as if in deep concentration.

"Any better ideas, Alexa?"

"She can't put forward ideas. She can only shut them down." Caiden interrupted and walked away.

I gasped. "Why would you rather end his life so bad? Killing people - it's - it's just unspeakable!" I followed after him and he stopped in his tracks. He slowly turned around to face me.

Uh oh.

I looked at Noah and Chase who's heads were down.

Noah spoke up. "We need to have a talk, Alexa."

I looked back to Caiden who seemed just as surprised as I was by Noah. He furrowed his eyebrows at him. I wondered to myself, what did he want to talk about and why was Caiden surprised that he wanted to talk? As I was walking back towards Noah...

"Go to your room, Alexa."

I stopped in my tracks then I slowly turned around with furrowed eyebrows to face an unimpressed Caiden. "What?" I asked with every bit of shock and attitude in my tone of voice.

He took a step towards me.

His face looked down upon me with a cold eyes and were no more than a hand length away from mine.

He began to speak slowly. "I said, go to your room."

I sighed in defeat and rolled my eyes. I walked back to my room and slammed the door behind me. Am I just some child? Ugh. I despise him sometimes - most of the time to be exact.

I sat on my bed with my arms folded. Now that I was alone, I was involuntarily forced to think again - to think about the incident that happened only less than a few hours ago. I couldn't say it. I couldn't say the word. It was too horrific. It's nothing short of horrendous when it happens to other people but never have I though it would happen to me. I really am not lucky in life when it comes to personal experiences. How foolish and naive could one get to trust someone so easily just because they were charming enough?

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