Chapter 38: Skin On Skin Sleepover

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I stood up as fast as I could, struggling like crazy and wincing in pain. Caiden rushed to my aid and as much as I didn't want to be anywhere near him as of now, I did have a point B to get to. I wrapped my arm around his neck as he held me by the waist. 

"Guys, I'm sorry it took so long." Chase rushed to my other side and did the same.

"Oh, you know. It's fine." I sort of said sarcastically. Maybe just a few seconds earlier would have been preferable.

"The system jammed for some reason but I've fixed it now. I'll keep a close eye on it though. I'm really sorry." Noah pleaded.

I limped to the couch and I was sat down. "You should probably take Caiden to the docks now that we're out of that...mess." I emphasised the last word so Caiden knew damn well what I was on about. Because hell was I regretting what ever I just said in there. He took advantage of me. Nothing less.

Caiden spoke up. "Lexa, are you gonna be al-"

"I'm fine." I shut him off enough for him to get the idea and enough for the boys to not suspect anything was off. "You guys can go back to the garage as well. Sorry to interrupt your money counting." I looked at Chase and Jaxon, and laughed.

"You sure you'll be alright?" Chase look worried.

"Honestly, I'm totally fine now that I''m not imprisoned in a metal box." I smiled.

The boys parted their ways and I was left with Jono who insisted on keeping me company. 

"You hungry, Alexa?"

"Just a little." I said as my temple leaned on my hand. More sprained foot was sprawled out beside me.

"I'll fry some chicken."

"Wow. Jono can cook?" I raised my eyebrow and chuckled.

"It's my...hidden talent."


Jonathan and I ate the surprisingly good chicken on the couch seeing as I wasn't going anywhere.

Chase and Jaxon then burst in from the garage. 

"Hey, Lexa! Look what I found."

Chase wheels in a dusty old wheelchair.

"Where did you get that?!" My eyes widened.

"We just found it at the back of the garage."

"It's your unlucky and lucky day at the same time." Jaxon chimed in.

I guess so, huh.

"Here, let me wipe it down and we'll take you for a spin." Jaxon gets a wet cloth and dusts it off. I smiled at the gesture. I then slowly get onto the wheelchair and start wheeling myself around.

"Oh my goodness, you guys. I can do it myself." My eyes lit up with excitement. Thank goodness I don't need to rely on the boys for my transportation methods. 

"Are you sure you can handle it?"

Chase looks at me like I was the weirdest person alive as I raced back and forth across the room. 



Jaxon returned to his hideout and Chase and Jono went to go workout in the basement. I successfully made it back to Caiden and I's bedroom. It's very tiring but it's a really good arm workout. I lay on my side, my hand holding up my head as I read another one of the books that Caiden had given me a while back. Night was quick to fill the room, only lit by dim but sufficient night lamps. I looked out. I had just missed dusk but the stars were particularly beautiful on this very night. 

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