Chapter 44: You Can't Fight The Booze, Baby Sister

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I'm tumbling all over the place and I literally feel like I am on the edge of losing my mind. I feel a sudden spark in heightened confidence which is so fucking mesmerising. My body temperature was through the roof and I needed all these layers off me. Now. 

"Alexa, come join us!" Lenna shouts to me.

I saw two very drunk girls dancing ever so erotically on a table top and I personally felt like there was no better idea. I joined them without hesitation. I

The song 'Often' by The Weeknd came on and I was so motherfucking ready to strip. Holy crap I felt good. The girls and I grind on each other while we danced our hearts away to the rhythm of this sexy ass song. Val was on her sixth beer, Lenna was holding two cups of what smelt like pure, raw and straight damn vodka, wherever she got that from, and I had a pretty little raspberry cruiser - but my fifth one. I found the last one in another bucket.

I felt so weak in my knees which only contributed more to my sexiest dance style yet. Val took off her denim jacket and flung it across the room. Lenna did the same. I paused for a bit and was about to yank off my jumper because it really was getting hot but the girls literally did it for me.

"Yeah,...Alexa! Get it, girl! Woohoo!" Val yells. I was left with my white high-waisted tights and my nude cropped spaghetti strap singlet. I suddenly felt a whole lot cooler and better in every way possible.

Goddamn, it was a whole strip club in this bitch. Us girls sipped on our drinks like there was no tomorrow until...

The music abruptly stopped and it took us a good few moments to even realise. We were just so confused.

"Heyyy... Where's the music?" I stumbled around. I think the next thing that happened was that I was picked up and put down onto the ground by a very strong pair of arms. It was very much like deja vu. However, at this very moment, I couldn't see a thing. All the strobe lights were like looking at a million traffic lights cross-eyed. My drink was then yanked out of my hand. "Heyyy... Stop that, now..." I slurred.

I heard someone say to me something about him and the other guys being out for twenty minutes or ten days or five sheep or something and I'm already black out funk? Boy is he crazy.

"Lexa, let's go. Now." 

"Huh? W-what? W-w-who said that? What are you? Do you c-come in peace?" ... "TEll mE, Or I wiLL be fORcEd to extErmiNatE yoU, monsTeR aLieN!" All of a sudden, I felt the same two pair of muscular arms under both my thighs and holding my back. But I pulled away. "Nooo, I'm not finished." I turned around and walked away to continue dancing.

"Of course you didn't listen to me. Gone for a few minutes and this happens. So fuckin' impulsive and fuckin' stubborn." The stranger grumbles. "Lexa, we're going up. Now." Some stranger attempts to hold me but I somehow just slide both my hands in theirs and use them as props for dancing. I spun myself around under their arm as I succumbed to the sexiness of the song. 


"Baby I can make that pussy rain, often. Often, often, girl I do this often. Make that pussy pop and do it how I want it..." I sang and sang as I danced and danced.


"That's lovely, Lexa. Now, c'mon. Bed time." This time, the party pooper was too quick for me to fight them off. Grrr...

I was flying! "I believe I can flyyYyYYy! I believe I can touch the skYYyYyyyYY!"

"I'm so fucking stupid." I heard someone grumble to themselves.

"NoOOoO I think you're good."

I heard a scoff. "Oh yeah? At what? Talking to brick walls?"

"At making people fly."

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