Chapter 30: Cheap Thrills

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"What's wrong, guys?" My expression turned a little sad. I crouched a little and shrugged. "Is it too much? Caiden said I really needed to disguise myself and not dress like the famous and lame-dressed Alexandria Delavine so here I am." I ushered at myself and chuckled nervously. "I tried my best." I bit my lip and looked down.

"Wow." Joanthan's eyes went really wide.

"That is awesome." Chase's jaw was on the ground.

"Alexa, you look like you'll really fit in. Looks great." Noah smiled.

I chuckled nervously again. "Thanks,..guys? Heheh..."

"Now come on. You ride with Caiden. Jono, you ride with Chase. Guys, use your walkie talkies if you need to. They've been tested and they work. I met eyes with Caiden's who had a look on his face that I had never seen before. I had no idea what it was saying. ... "Guys?" Noah asked. ... Not once did the three boys break their line of sight from me. Oh, God. I really do look horrible, huh? "Guys! Wake the fuck up! We gotta go."

Chase and Jonathan snapped out of it.

"Alexa, you!" I smiled sheepishly. "Thanks, Jonathan."

"You'll give all the girls there a run for their money." Chase smirked.

"Thank you,...Chase?" I chuckled.

They then got into their car.

I walked slowly towards Caiden with my head down.

I slowly looked back up at him. 

He was leaning on his car with his hands in his pockets. 

I eyed him top to bottom.

His hair was as it always was - Francisco Lachowski style.

I took a deep, subtle breath and so did he.

"SorryifthismakesyoumadeventhoughIdon'treallyknowwhyyou'dbemadbutyoureallywantmetodisguisemyselfrightsotherealAlexandriaDelavinewouldn'tdresslikethissopleasedon'tshovemeinthebootandifyou'regoingtoleavemebehindthenIwillwholeheartedlyoblige." I took a deep breath and clenched my jaw, painstakingly waiting for Caiden to say anything as he was now looking at me as if I was a crackhead.


His jaw clenched and he furrowed his eyebrows, scaring me in the process. "Just make sure it's worth it. Now get in." He said it very sternly in a low and menacing voice. Any lower and he'd be growling.

But hell, was I surprised. Honestly, I thought he was going to yell at me and scold me and tell me to get changed and still throw me into the boot.

He got into the car and I was left there gasping for air. I hopped into the car just after him and oh my goodness. 

I really am going to forget how to breathe by the end of today.

There interiors were all a shiny, leather matte black and the windows were super tinted. 

They all began to rev their cars. It was a really cool sound.

The boys put their windows down.

"Ready to go?" Noah asked.

"Ready!" Jonathan shouted.

"Yeah." Wow. You could really tell Caiden was a lot more excited than Jonathan was.

The garage opened and it felt so weird that I was about to be outside and out into the world once again.

Noah was the first car to leave, followed by us, then Chase's.

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