Chapter 31: Say It Like You Mean It, Do It Like You Want It

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I take one last deep breath as Caiden opened the car door and greeted me with a sleek smile in which I returned. He held out his hand in which I took in mine as he helped me out of the car. 

I took his jacket off and handed it to him.

I was immediately greeted with a hundred pairs of vicious looks from girls. Some were drooling in lust at the mere presence of Caiden.

Caiden and I stood in front of each other. He looked down at me. The next thing he did surprised me beyond measure. 

He took my hand and held it as he walked me over to the boys.

I clung onto him. I whispered, "Why are they all staring at me as if I killed someone?"

He scoffs quietly. "Because you're with me."


So up himself.

We all huddled in a tight circle as the boys smirked at us. 

"I just realised y'all are matching." Noah laughed.

Oh my. I looked away in embarrassment. It was completely unintentional.


Caiden looked down at what I was wearing and cleared his throat before looking away at lightning speed. "She needs a name." He changed the subject.

"Sally Smith." Wow, Jonathan.

"Okay, maybe something a little less generic and retarded." The boys thought long and hard. Caiden sighed in annoyance. "Trish. Your name is Trish."

I widened my eyes. 

I guess it will do...

The boys nodded their heads in approval.

Noah began to speak. "Alright, Caiden. I got you your ticket. Chase and I have picked our rivals. We're putting our cars on the line. Chase is racing for sixty grand and I'm racing for seventy-five."

"But each of your cars are worth double that." Jonathan pleaded.

"Not after this race. We'll half-fry our engines and totally fuck up our tyres." 


"This is Jaxon. He's part of the Corleones. Jaxon, this know who." Noah introduced Jaxon who looked about Noah's age and really buff. If I was an outsider, I wouldn't want to cross paths with any Corleone gang member.

"Hey,...Trish." We chuckled.

"Hey!" I waved.

"Oi, pretty boy!" I heard a voice shout from behind us. We all looked in his direction. It was an African-American man who looked like he was twenty or less. He was part of the line-up and was sitting on his car surrounded by his group of buff guys and at least ten girls who looked smitten over him. He had a smirk on his face. "Caiden Martinez, right?" He spoke with a laid back tone and accent. 

Caiden walked up to him. He didn't let go of my hand.

Or I didn't let go of his...

"Who's asking?" Caiden asked in a menacing manner.

He was just a little shorter than Caiden but acted like he wasn't by the way he stood up and approached Caiden. He wore saggy jeans and a vintage branded jacket.

Was this the year two-thousand?

I looked at Caiden who didn't seem the least bit bothered.

"Ryder Simmons. That's my car and those are my boys over there." He spoke low and slow. "And who's this?" He looked at me and I froze like a deer. "What's your name, gorgeous?" I hid behind Caiden a little.

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