Author's Note

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Hey, lovelies!!! 

I want to thank you to everyone who's been reading and I honestly hope you guys have been enjoying it so far :) 

Thank you to everyone who has been voting!!! My heart is overwhelmed with joy every time I see a new viewer or voter. You guys have no idea.

But I also wanted to take this time to announce that I mayyyyyy be writing a sequel to this just because I don't exactly want this one to be extremely extremely extremely long but I don't knowww... I already have my first draft of my first few chapters and honestly, from my perspective, I would love to release it to y'all but only if people even like this one ahahaha. Also, I can assure you guys that I 100% am going to include some erotic and steamy scenes in the next book...if y'all are into that hehe. I certainly am. Oop.

I know at times, it seems as if the storylines are but I hope you guys have picked up by now that both Caiden and Alexandria have very good reason to be insecure and of now... Hehe. - and it's all leading up to something which I want to elaborate further on in the next book so this story will serve as more of a backstory on everything so there's no blank spaces.

Anyway, I'm so sorry for the ramble but please let me know in the comments if anyone is interested in a sequel and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE vote for my chapters!!! It means the world to me! Eek!

Thanks!!! -xxo Trish

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