Chapter 14: The Butterfly Effect

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An hour had gone by from me just laying on my stomach on my bed and flipping through this old magazine on the latest Hollywood gossip and fashion trends back in 2012. This was actually quite new to me. Not once have I cared much for the outside world. I still don't but let's pretend I do for the time being.

There was fast knocking on the door.

I rolled my eyes. 

Just when I finally calmed down.

I didn't respond.

The knocking continued until the door slowly opened. 

Riley's head peaked in and I just stared at him. "Please don't turn me away. I literally fought with Caiden just so I could talk to you."

"And why would you go through such extreme lengths to talk to an irrelevant prisoner?" 

"Maybe because I don't see it that way?" I looked down and continued flipping through the pages. "Can I please come in?" I nodded my head. I lay on my side to make space for Riley. He sat down beside me and I heard him sigh. He looked at me with intent in his bright blue eyes. "What Caiden said isn't true. I didn't say that you were bribing me and I definitely didn't say that we were flirting." He looked away. "It probably just looked like it." He quietly scoffs. "But yeah, that's typical of Caiden - to push buttons and boundaries and all. I got pretty pissed that he said that to you but we're all used to it. I mean, when you're part of a notorious gang like us Corleones, you gotta be tough. You can't have boundaries."

I sat up, resting my weight on one hand. "Sooo, you're saying that I'm a softie?" I really was.

"I'm saying that Caiden is an asshole."

I chuckle-scoffed and so did he. I did not see that coming. 

"I can't disagree with you on that one." He smiles at me. "Hey, what's the time?"

He looks at his watch. "It's nearly twelve. Come out of your room."

"I was going to take a nap, actually."

"*Tsk* You're always sleeping. Save that for your curfew. Come on, I have something to show you." I squinted my eyes in suspicion. "Oh come on. You have to trust me."

I sighed in defeat. What do I have to lose? It was pretty nice of Riley to clarify things with me like that.

I stood up and followed him out my door.

We reached the end of the hallway and he opened the door for me.

He walked me over to the kitchen bench and there was a pile of novels. My eyes widened at the sight. I cupped my mouth. I have never been so happy to see so many books in my life.

"Where'd you get these?"

"I uhh, found some of them lying around and some are from the store."

"You bought these?"

"Yeah, I did." He smiled.

"I thought you guys were broke."

"Okay, we're not broke broke. We just have enough to eat, maintain this place and have some to spare."

I shook my head in disbelief as I took the first book. "Riley, I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything. Just keep yourself entertained, alright? Once you've finished with those, just let me know. I know it's a poor compensation for your freedom." He looked down. "But I'm sure you know there are others that are after you." His expression turned worried.

"Yeah, I know. But these will surely keep me entertained, so thank you." I smiled subtly at him.

"Anytime, Alexa." He smiled back.

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