Chapter 12: Bite Me

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"You're not wrong on that one, buddy." I heard a deep voice say.

I open my eyes immediately to see the three boys still standing in front me. Caiden was standing beside the foot of my bed with his arms folded and looking at me if I was an alien. The other two just looked awkward as hell.

"Uhh, I just thought I'd never see these again."

"And let you bleed all over the place? O to the kay..." Noah looked at me as if I was the dumbest person alive. "The bathroom's the first door to your left down the hallway. And don't try escaping, sweetheart. We'll be locking the door at the end of the hallway." He left my room followed by Jonathan following closely behind, eager to be out of my presence. He was then calmly followed by Caiden who gave me a menacing look.

I've never been so happy to see pads and underwear in my life. Caiden turned around one last time, squinting his eyes at me. "Those clothes are the last set you're getting."

He turned around and disappeared at the corner.

Whatever, soon-to-be killer.

I mean, at least I got some, right? I'm sure these will last me 'til my death day. I just need to keep manually washing them and drying them. Oh my. I've never done those in my life.

I enter the bathroom and it's as simple as it gets. A toilet, shower and sink. There wasn't even a bathtub. I was relieved however, that it was pretty much spotless. There was even a toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, toilet paper and a convenient bucket.

I go about my business and start washing the clothes straight after - even the bloodstained ones. I then hang them on top of the shower. I change into another one of Caiden's oversized shirts - my last one apparently and I didn't bother putting on the basketball shorts. 

I walked out feeling fresher than ever. I lay a towel underneath me and got back into bed. I had no idea what time it was but I was tired. Thankfully, I wasn't feeling an immense wave of hunger as of now. I decide to go back to sleep before it does hit me again. 


I woke up to loud banging on the door and sat upright. I rubbed my eyes and heard the door unlock. I was greeted by Noah's face. He brought in a tray of food and placed it beside me. 

There was a slice of banana bread, butter, four strawberries, a milo popper and a very messy omelette.

"That was earlier than expected." I said in a half-asleep voice.

"Yeah, Caiden argued to wait to give you your first meal 'til two days buuut since you're on you're - umm -"

"Period for God's sake. And you said you were the most mature out of the gang." I mentally face palmed. Why is such a natural bodily function being shunned even in modern society? Well probably because these guys live away from civilisation.

"Yep. That. And I am. It's just that...girls are..." He pursed his lips and put his hands on his hips. "You'd probably pass out a lot quicker if we starved you for half a day."

"Probably." I said as I had just finished my last strawberry. I know I planned on starving myself but it's easier said than done. 

"I'll leave you to it." Noah left the room. 

I finished my meal in around three minutes. I was surprised I didn't get an acid reflux.

I realised I was still a little hungry but it was sure to last me longer now. 

I went into the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. 

I didn't know what to do now. I still don't know what time it is. It was probably morning since I was just brought in breakfast. I hopped into bed and sat against the wall. I took deep breaths. Is this how it was going to be until my death trial? 

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