Chapter 36: Claustrophobia, Round 2

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I woke up with Caiden beside me. The mid-afternoon sunlight still lit up in the sky. The clouds are telling me it's going to be beautiful at dusk.

An invigorating three-hour nap that was. I had to sleep on my left side facing Caiden for the most of it because I'd die of I slept on my right and therefore my sprained right foot. Speaking of Caiden, he was still soundly asleep. It's funny how I only ever truly and genuinely appreciate him when he's asleep and not saying bossy things. Oh well, we've all gotta start small and somewhere. 

I had to go to the bathroom to change so I managed to crawl all the way there making minimal noise and putting minimal strain on my foot. Caiden told me that the morning after I sprained my foot is going to be absolute hell so I really do hope I die in my sleep tonight. I'm already getting horrible period cramps. 

I exit the bathroom on all fours. Hey, it's a new bathroom so I'm sure germs and bacteria are still at an all time low. The door makes a loud squeaking noise that wakes Caiden up. His sleepy eyes widen at the sight of me and his whole body shoot up. I continue crawling and repeating 'uh oh uh oh uh oh' in my head. 

"What are you doing?" He asks as if I was doing something so utterly stupid. 

"I went to go change." I smile at him innocently. 

"Crawling? Why couldn't you just wake me up?" 

"I'm fine Caiden. Seriously, it's all good!" I assured him with thumbs up, trying to mask the pain in my throbbing ankle. I actually wanted to die.

"Next time, just wake me up." He slumps back into bed. "What's the time?"

"It's nearly four."

"Wanna eat?"

"I'm okay, thanks. I don't usually have lunch, remember?"

"Alexa, you can have five meals a day considering how much money is literally sitting in our garage right now. Plus, you're on your period. I know you're craving something. Spit."

Oh my. This boy knows too much about me.

"It's fine, really. I'll eat whatever is in the pantry right now."

"You're lying."

"I'm not that hungry."

But of course. The denial of subtleties will always require a grand entrance. My stomach began to rumble and Caiden chuckles. Oh boohoo boyish chuckles for being so damn cute.


"I'm carrying you downstairs." 

"No, Caiden, please! Don't worry about me. Just maybe bring me a little something when you come up to sleep tonight. I'll be fine up here." He completely ignores me and when he comes around to my side, attempts to once again, lift me up but I smoothly roll over to his side, relishing in the world of pain that it had just plunged me in. "

"I'm not coming back up just to get you dinner. You're not that special." He scoffs.

"But special enough for you to want to carry up and down this building." I batted my eyelashes and giggled.

"Shut up and stop moving."

"Ugh, Caiden! Owwww!" He effortlessly sweeps me off my side as I was unable to struggle due to the death it would cause me. "You're horrible." I growl.

"I know." He flashes me a quick smile.

We entered the elevator and he presses the buttons to go down.

"Is this gonna be your daily workout or something." 

"Huh... That's a good idea. Haven't worked out in a while."

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