Chapter 39: Do What Your Heart Tells You, They Say

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The next morning was a blur. I woke up heavily fatigued. The significant loss of blood was no help. My ankle was still pretty stiff and painful. I woke up and saw that no one was next me. This was probably the first time I woke up with Caiden not still sleeping beside me. It was...strange. I wondered where he was. Nonetheless, I mentally shook myself. About time anyway. It was nice to wake up...alone with the...sunrise...that painfully glared back at me. I summoned all the strength within me to get myself up onto the wheelchair, wheeling myself to the bathroom. 

Once I was done freshening up, I went down to go get some breakfast. I reached the ground floor and found no one in sight. They probably went for a meet-up with the other boys or something. I made myself two slices of toasted bread with peanut butter and a cup of tea. As I sipped, a loud bang shook me to the bone and almost made me drop the hot mug all over myself. It came from the basement. 

Oh my God. 

What was that?

I wheeled myself over to the garage door cautiously. 


At this point, I was trembling. What on Earth was making that sound? Are the boys down there? If so, what could they possibly be doing? I didn't know the password to opening the door so I couldn't do much aside from just listen for another bang.


I wheeled myself a few metres back. Wait. I can't believe I just realised those sounded very much like gunshots. Are the boys really down there with their new play things?

Just then, the huge steel door opened and I was met with none other than Jonathan and Chase laughing with each other. 

"Oh, hey, Alexa." Jonathan smiled. "Are you okay?"

"What's going down in there?! Is someone being shot?!" My eyes widened.

They both laughed. "Nah, we're just testing the new weapons and ammo out." Chase informed.

"With what target?!"

"They're just shooting at cans. Man, Caiden really is a beast. I haven't seen him shoot something in so long that I forgot he was so damn good." Jonathan swooned. 

I stumbled standing up, holding onto the door. I looked down into the garage to see Caiden with a cigarette in his mouth and pointing his gun at a row of cans many metres in front of him. He then proceeded to shoot one perfectly, making me flinch and stumble back a little.

"Whoa, easy there." Chase helped me regain my balance. Caiden then shot all the other cans down. God, that was loud. My ears started to ring. 

"Yeahhh." Noah fist-bumped Caiden as he turned around. 

Our eyes met and I looked away in a flash. 

I gave a sarcastic smile to Jonathan and Chase. "Wow, you guys are so ready to take on whatever! Haha. Damn, I'll admit, Caiden really is good, huh? But it's a tad too loud for me sooo... I need to go take a shower anyway. I'll see you guys later."

"Alright, see you, Alexa."

"See ya!"

The boys went to help themselves to food as I wheeled myself quickly to the elevator before my ears were about to be blown off again. I don't know how they tolerate that, honestly.

Just as I entered the elevator, Chase asks, "Oh, have you had breakfast, Alexa?"

Before the it shuts, I managed to shout "Yep!"

I released a deep breath as the elevator went up. I really did not feel comfortable being around any of that business. Although I wasn't too sure why. Shouldn't I be sort of used to it by now? Don't get me wrong. It's nothing that shakes me to the bone anymore as I know pretty much the whole story behind it but it's just still so strange. Never would I have ever thought I would be plunged into a world of gangs and gunfire. 

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