Chapter 15: Snakes Call Me Sweet Names

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I tilted my head to one side. "What do you mean?" I was so surprised by what he just said.

He paused. ... "You know what? Don't worry about it. You can go back to your reading. I know how much you love it." He gives me a reassuring smile.

My mouth makes an 'O' shape. "You can't just drop a bomb like that!"

"Okay, how about this? I'll leave it as a surprise 'til after you have your you time."

He leans forward on the kitchen bench and winks at me. My heart began to race. I had no idea what was going on. Am I missing something? Why was I feeling this way?

"O-o-okay. Sure." I smile. I then went over to the couch to resume my reading. 

When was I going to receive this surprise? What on Earth was it?


After three hours of reading, I began to feel quite sleepy again. I saw that there was a wall clock and the time read eight forty-five. I was so close to finishing this book and was tempted to do so but I didn't want to fall asleep on the couch again. 

I stood up and walked over to my bedroom when suddenly, Riley came out of nowhere and stopped me in my tracks. "Oh, God. You scared me. Haha."

"Sorry, cutie. Didn't mean to scare you."

I froze at the remark.

I looked up at him. He was staring down at me. 

He came closer. 

He licked and bit his lips which sent strange little shockwaves through my body.

I took a step back as I was feeling a little suffocated. I needed to process this. My mind was lagging.

"I was just heading to bed now." I said to break the silence.

"Of course, you should get lots of rest for tomorrow." He winked at me.

What was tomorrow?

I smiled and walked around him to go to sleep.

A strange, bittersweet feeling.


I woke up to find my door wide open. That's weird. I shut it last night. I probably didn't shut it properly. I went to the bathroom to take a shower.

After a quick, hot shower, I brushed my teeth and got changed into new clothes.

I went into the main room to see if anyone was there. I scanned - no one.

I looked out the enormous window that took up an entire two-storey wall. 

The sun shone beautifully through the window. It was lovely weather. 

"Good Morning, beautiful."

I spun around to see Riley standing at the door frame in his plain white shirt and grey sweatpants. He had messy bed hair and his hands in his pockets. He stared at me with a smirk from across the room. 

A boy has never called me that before.

I smiled nervously at him. "Good Morning."

"Come, I'll make you breakfast." He walked over to the kitchen and I followed.

I sat on the stool and watched as he toasted some bread then spread peanut butter over them. He poured me some juice and gave me a few pieces of fruit.

"I was wondering, who is it that makes the omelette every morning?"

"Oh, uhh, me of course. I'm sorry I can't make any for you today as we...ran out of eggs."

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