Chapter 18: Spontaneous Confessions

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Chase made dinner tonight of fried chicken. It was so nice of him.

I ignored Caiden as usual.

A few guys came by earlier to grab Riley who was still knocked out cold even though it's been hours. They were going to ship him to the Bahamas instead on some random cargo ship. The guys said they had connections. If he woke up, they'll drug him. I didn't know how to feel about it. I've never been one to enforce such harsh punishments but Noah said it's what the whole gang finally wanted and that I'll know about what Riley did to them a few months back at some point.

I took a nice, hot shower right after dinner.

I then grabbed a book and told Noah I was heading up to the garden. He said he'd be exploring the different levels of the building with the boys.

When I got to the top, a nice, cool breeze washed over me once again. I went over to the balcony. There weren't as many city lights than in Newark city itself but still, the view was mesmerising and the air was perfect.

I sat down on the white couches and read away...

After about an hour, I hear the elevator doors open behind me but I didn't look as I was so immersed in this book called the God of small things.

I saw someone at the corner of my eye plump themselves onto the couch adjacent to me rather heavily.


It hit me. I needed to start praying, hoping and wishing it wasn't you know who.

I slowly lift my head up from the book and look at who it was.

I sighed deeply.

You know what? I'm not even going to bother. He can throw both his arms up onto the couch's headrests, spread his legs, look as if he were the most comfortable human being on Earth and stare at me all night long.

But I will not entertain it. He's just trying to be annoying. There were couches at four, spaced out corners and he chose my one.

I looked at him with a blank expression and resumed reading immediately.

"You can't ignore me forever." ... "You're basically stuck here for God know's how long but I know your stay ain't even a quarter done so you'll have to say something at one point." ... He sighs. ... Is that a sigh of defeat I hear? I certainly hope so. He'll leave anytime soon. Don't stress, Alexa. But much to my horror, he gets up and sits right next me with his same annoyingly boyish position. His hands were still bandaged. *Screams internally* Ugh! So annoying! How dare he interrupt this amazing book?! "What the hell? I thought you were still reading Pride and Prejudice." I finished that three weeks ago. There was a brief pause. "So what's this one about?"

"Ugh, can you please hush? I'm really trying to concentrate. And can you please remove your arm from behind my head?"

It really wasn't physically bothering me since I wasn't leaning back but still...


Of course he doesn't budge or listen to me but thank God he shushed.


"Hey, Alexa."

I breathed deeply, trying not to want to rip all my hair out. "What." I said through gritted teeth and stared him the eyes.

"I got you to talk to me." He smirks. I rolled my eyes and sighed. My life is so hard. "But seriously, what's this one about?"

"You don't have to pretend that you're interested in books all of a sudden."

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