Chapter 8: Bottoms Up

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Six fifty-one PM.

After more expeditions of the hotel, I decide to head up to the apartment. I close the door behind me and lean on it. I then remember seeing something in the pantry that suddenly seemed so enticing to me at this very moment. I changed into a pair of white matching silk pyjamas - a cropped tank and shorts. I then tied a white, silk robe around myself. I feel stupid at the same time. I walked into the kitchen and opened the pantry to a gorgeous bottle of Veuve Clicquot.

Oh my. This was horrible of me. Ian trusts me. What am I doing? This is so not me.

After hearing from the little demon and angel sitting on either side of my shoulder, I made up my mind.

It can't be that bad. I won't go crazy.

It's only been eleven days since my mother died. Was it bad that I was already settling in a new place? I can't deny that I am sort of looking forward to it but I still mourned her, deeply. I forever will.

I popped the Champagne bottle open and smiled. I poured myself a pretty glass and took the party outside to my balcony along with the bottle. One glass may possibly not suffice. And who on Earth gets drunk off Champagne? Pffft.

I gently cupped the glass of sparkling wine in my hand and overlooked the gorgeous city lights. I took my first sip.

My whole world lit up. My insides jumped and my throat burned. But it was beautiful. I took another sip, longer this time and savoured the bittersweet sensation. It was like swallowing fluttering butterflies. Next thing I knew, I skulled the thing.

Let's drown our sorrows.

I took a deep breath and paused for a good few seconds admiring the gorgeous view. Nothing compared. I just realised how underrated Newark was. I also realised how much brighter everything was all of a sudden.

I felt a cool breeze through my hair and I closed my eyes. This was. A moment.

I poured myself another full glass and skulled it again until my phone began to ring on the table.

Oh crap.

I cleared my throat and regained my composure.

I picked up the phone and it was a no caller ID. That's strange. I have Ian's number saved.

Still holding the empty glass in my hand, I answered and put it up to my ear.

"HellooOOoO." I said rather shakily.

I was welcomed with a smooth, deep voice. "Hello, Alexandria."

"Uhh, umm, s-sorry, who's this?" I stumbled upon my words.

The voice scoffed. "My apologies. Let me rephrase that." The stranger cleared his voice. "Hello, sister."


"Ahahahahauummmm...excuse me? I'm an only child." I chuckled. What kind of prank call was this?

"So lightweight. I'm so disappointed." He said slowly.

My heart skipped beat. I cleared my throat again and tried to think past the dizziness that was quickly overwhelming me.

"What did you say?"

"Of course I've never been mentioned. I'm Marcus' long lost son."

"You're joking, right?"

"That'd be nice." He scoffed.

This guy was super creepy. I immediately put up a defiant front and took a deep, shaky breath. "Are you stalking me? Where are you and how do you know what I'm doing?"

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