*update * right there

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Apology : yo fam im back sorry ut took like a month to get an actual update my bad. But with school starting back in the fact all i do is sleeo and watch spongebob and riverdale i was extraordinarily busy.  So im sorry....but im back so dint get your gay panties in a twist

Toni topaz

Right there

A blanket drapes over her cold shaking body as she sat quietly beside me. My arms wrapped tightly around her as her head layed on my chest. Events from the last two hours played in my head disgust anger and sadness were my emotions. I wnated to be angry i am angry. But what cheryl need was comforting.

I looked down at the broken girl in my arms. Her face was emotinalist. The mascara she wore was now running down her pale rosy cheeks.  How could anyone hurt her. Archie, of all people. The towns golden boy. How could he do this? How could i not been there.  How could i have been such a bad girlfriend?

I still remember exactly the words that she said on the call.....

I sat at a booth in pops with jughead. "So the serpents are having a huge cookout saturday. You better be there." Jughead smirks biting into his burger. I pop a fry in my mouth. "Wouldnt miss it". "So hows sweetpea?" Jughead ask.  "Huh?" I say confused on what he meant. "He doesnt talk to me much but he did confess something when he got drunk once. It was about fangs..but has he said anything ."  I was seriously confused on what he could confess. "No he didnt, hes been agravated lately but thats all. What did he say ?"

Jughead sets down his bruger and scratches his beanie. "I um..this has to stay between us." Jughead says looking me dead in the eyes. "I promise." I say honestly. "He tole me he had the fl-" he gets cut off by the sound of my phone going off.

I give an apolegetic smile before retreaving my phone and seeing who texted me. It was cheryl. I answer it ignorning jugheads whipped noises. "Hey babe?" I say but all i hear is soft pants and whimpers. "Cheryl?! Are you okay? " "ttoni im at thr school." With taht she hangs up and i quickly slam 10 bucks on the tabel before rushing out to my bike.

I look away from my broken girlfriend. A tear falls from my cheeks. "Baby?" I say quietly and softly. She looks up at me and i force myself to look back at her. I stare into her eyes. They were broken yet sad. She looked as if she had watched her life die before her.

"I im sorry." I say and she just cries more balling farther into my chest as i kiss the top of her head. "I its nnot yourr faulltt." She whimpers out words muffled by heavy breathes. "It is. " i pull her closer resting my head ontop of hers as she cries into my shirt. "I shouldve been there. I shouldnt have left. " i say and all she does is cry .

"Im sorry he hurt you." I whisper and her cries become softer yet still deep. She cries long and soft into my chest as i close my eyes to hold back the tears.

"Cheryl?!"i push the gym doors open and look around seeing no one. I then rush out and run the hallways checking each door. I rush up the stairs and call out her name again. "Cheryl?" I yell but the sound of running footsteps and cries met my ears.  I pnly see cheryl curled up only in her shirt and her other clothes thrown around her helpless body.

I rush up to her. I graba her face and see shes basically unconsious. "Toonni" she mumbles before passing out.

I collect her body in my arms and carry her, tears leaving tears down my cheeks. My muscles clenching as i pull the door open and exiting the building.


Cheryl woke up as sweetpea drove in the front seat since i had my bike. I sat in the back and she looks at me. "He he raped me." She says her face looking as if she was dizzy. I see sweetpea look angry through the mirror but he keeps his mouth close. "Baby? Who rraped..you?" I say biting my lip as a grip her hands into mine.

"Archie." Seeing how she looked away she didnt wanna talk about it. I wrap my arms around her and she cries into my shoulder. Me and sweetpea keep eyecontact as he could tell i was about to burst into tears myself.

Cheryl had fallen alseep on me. I slide out her grip and pick her up the blanket falling of her body. I take her to my bed and set her down gently. I tuck her down and kiss her cheeks and forehead. "I love you, im sorry that i let you down."

And that was that.


So toni thinks its her fault but its not she will soon realize that

Sorry its short

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