everyone deserves love

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Toni topaz
Everyone deserves love

"Hey topaz?" Sweetpea says stepping beside me as I was walking to lunch. "Yes sp?" I says turning to face the taller boy. He wore a blue flannel his serpent jacket and ripped Jean's.

"Can I ask you a personal question?" He ask as I nod. "So my uh..friend from um Canada he is confused. " I raise and eyebrow knowing hes lying. "Okay, go on." I say to sweetpea. "Hes confused about his sexuality." I nod looking at him. "Well along with half of America you um, friend from Canada need to just take time and figure it out." I say.

"Howd you realise you were lesbian. Was there a sign or something." I roll my eyes. "Yes one day the magical gay fairy from neverstraight land visited me and put a magical lesbian spell on me." He just scoffs "I'm serious tiny."

"Okay um, well it's simple I look at a girl and I'm attracted to her. Kind of like how some people like vanilla over chocolate. But its difficult too, like yes you find girls and guys attractive but do you want to be with both of them. For me it wasnt like that. Sure guys are hot but I dont want to be in a physical nor any kinda relationship with them. " I explain not good at this kind of stuff.

"What?" He says obviously confused. I stop and he does that same.  "Tell your friend in Canada that I think figuring out his or her sexuality is difficult. It's a tough situation, and If they ever need to talk I'll be here with my gayness and bad advice." He chuckles after I send a wink before slipping into the cafeteria.

I see cheryl jughead and veronica sitting at a table. "So I said if your going to run butter on you stomach and not slide down Walmart aisles empty then just dont do it at all." Jughead concludes a story. I sit beside cheryl kissing her cheek. "Hey babe." She giggles.

"I want a kiss." I pout and she just smirks. "Mm say please."

"Please." I say pouting my lower lip. She kisses me slowly and her cherry chapstick blends with mine vanilla chapstick. She pulls away and are faces are still close. Then something's hits my head. I turn to betty who through a potato at my head. "Ow." She had just sat down.

"Its a potato." Betty says "can I have my potato back?" She ask i pick it up and throw it. "No you hit me with it." She scoffs.

"I honestly wonder why I'm still here." Cheryl say rolling her eyes at us. "Cause you love us." Betty says as I nod agreeing with her.

"Guys did you here about fangs and mooses fight." Jughead says. "Hold the hell up, you just spent three minutes telling us how you were talking to a homeless guy about butter and being naked in Walmart, and you just now decide to inform us about fangs and mosses fight?" Veronica says irritated.

"Yes..." jughead says. "God I wish I had the potato. " veronica scoffs. "Got you covered." Betty opens her bag pulling out a potato.
She hands veronica the potato. Veronica looks at jughead and throws the potato at him. He falls of his chair.

"What the hell?" He says sitting back down beside me.

"On with the story Pendleton " Betty says like nothing happend. "So fangs heard moose cheated on Kevin, so fangs confronted him about it. Mooses got angry and pushed him so fangs beat his ass. Well chuck and some other jock thought he wa attacking moose so they both ganged him. " jughead informs. "And where were you at this time?" I ask raising and eyebrow.

"Soemone had to record it." Jughead shrugs and i agree with him.



I touched my purple and yellow eye as it stung. "Shit." My eye was swollen and I had a busted lip and a cut below my cheek I also had bruises on my arms and body.

"Fangs." I hear nevins voice call from behind me. I look at him through the mirror. "Hey keller." I say not looking at him. He makes me face him turning me around to him.

"Fangs why the hell would you do that?" He ask me and I just shake my head. "To protect you. Everyone deserves love. And what he did wasnt love. You deserved better." I say and he just looks at me.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have interfered it just what he di-" I get cut off by his lips connecting with mine. For a moment I stumble back confused but I kiss back after a second. He pulls away. A small smile come to my lips. "Thank you." He says quietly. We share a look before he slides out the door.

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