Chapter three

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Christy POV

When me and shayla got home all I thought about was august,  but he's famous so I can't catch feelings cause I don't wanna get hurt,  but there's something about him that makes him different from all the others.After all the thinking I fell alseep.

The next morning I woke up and did my routine and went down stairs to see shayla making our plates for  breakfast.

"Christy",  shayla said

"Yea",I responded

"So what happened after the concert?",  she said sitting on my couch

"Oh nothing we exchanged numbers and we talked a little", I said

"Awww christy and august,  it sounds right to me", shayla said

"Oh my God shayla stop, it aint even like that",  I laughed

"Oh really,  OK whatever u say, So What's the move for today " shayla said

"Honestly idk you wanna go shopping?", I asked

"Yea that's cool", shayla said

"OK be ready in an hour", I said

OK,  shayla went to her room and I went to mine. When I got In my room, I went in my bathroom and turned the water on. I poured my bubbles and got in. I just sat there and thought to myself

"is this really happening", I said to myself

I just sat back and washed myself  up. 30 minutes had passed and I grabbed my towl and let the water out. I went to the sink and did all my other hygiene stuff,  before going in my walk in closet. I grabbed my black lace bra,  with my black lace boy shorts and I slipped them on. I grabbed my VS lotion and rubbed my body down.

"When I was through with that I put on my white crop top,  blue jeans, and my timberlands, with my gold rolex, some gold earrings,  and my gold rings.After getting dressed I realized I only had 15 more minutes,  so I went to my bathroom and did my make-up and hair. I put my hair in big curls and put jam on my edges making them look pretty ,I then  applied red lipstick, little blush,  and some mascara, I was ready to go. I walked by my bed grabbed my iphone 5s of the charger,  and grabbed my Michael Kors purse,  I then walked downstairs."

"Bout time ya slow ass got ready", shayla said

"Do I look ok?", I questioned

"Girl you look bad As fuck", she responded

"Thanks you don't look too bad yaself ", I said

"My girl had on a red crop top,  with some bleached high waist shorts, and her red tropical roshe runs. She also had on a gold necklace,  some gold studs, and she had a gold chanel side-purse".

"You ready", she  said

"Yea le'go", I  said

"We walked out the house, and I locked the door. We then got in my black hummer and drove to mall."

August POV


I woke up and went in the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face,  I didn't need to shower, since I took one the night before. I then put on deodorant,  than walked to my closet. I put on my white versace shirt , some blue jeans , and  my timberlands. I put on my gold rolex,  my gold chain, and I swithed out my diamond earring with my gold one.I looked In the mirror for clarification and I was ready to go."

"After I got dressed I texted Chris and told him to meet me at the mall."

"I walked out of my house and locked the door. I went and got in my black Range Rover and drove to the mall. As I was arriving Chris texted me saying he was here, and when I saw his black mustang I knew it was him. when I got to his car he got out and dapped me up, I was boutta say some until this black Hummer pulled up. When the person got out the car my mouth dropped.

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