Chapter four

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Chris POV

"After shayla and I went home we just cuddled, I mean I was really feeling her."

"Bae,"shayla yelled

"Yea we call each other bae now, so what who checking me."

"Yea ", I said

"is Christy with August, " she said

"Yea, why", I said

"I have a feeling they did something naughty ", she said

"Oh really wym ", I said with a smirk

"I mean I think they had sex", she said

"why would you think that", I said

"Chris come on now she was alone with him all night I'm pretty sure he got a cookie from the jar", she said in a duh tone.

"What kind of cookie ", I said  smirking

"You want me to show u the cookie ", she said

"You know I do", I said sounding so serious.

"Well what daddy wants ,daddy gets", she said climbing on top of me making cj wake up.

Oh man that shit felt so good.She was Kissing on ma neck and shit, getting me all hype.Next thing I know she ran to my room and locked the door.I just ran after her. I'm boutta finish what she started.

"shayla man what tf you doing",I said

"Idk just playing a little game so I can laugh ", she said

"Man you think this shit is funny , don't start none you cant finish ", I said

"yes I think it's funny ",she said laughing

She thought she was doing something, did she forget this was MY house , I have a key to every room so while she in there laughing, I'm boutta be laughing too because I'm boutta dick her down for waking Jr up.

I slowly walked in while she was in the bathroom, and hid behind the door.When she came out I tackled her on the bed.she was punching me in my chest tryna make me get off,  but I was eating that shit.

"You think that shit hurt ma", I said laughing

"It's suppose too", she said

"Well it don't ",I said

"Damn bae that's offensive cause I think my pun-", I cut her off by Kissing her.I slowly slid my tongue in her mouth and she didn't stop me.

You all KNOW what happened next

ya lil nasties *raven simone voice*

Shayla POV

After me and Chris little sex scene I felt good.I'm glad we went to that concert, but at the same time I don't want me nor my girl Christy getting hurt cause neither one of us scared to fuck a bitch or a nigga up. We riders so we there for each other I just hope that it can remain this way.

August POV

I told Christy I'd be upstairs,  but really I'm down here texting lil mama from Mcdonalds.She cute but she ain't No christy. Put it like this she a 2 and Christy a 10. I know I'm wrong but she look like she give bomb ass head ,so it ain't like I'm fucking her.All I wanna do is bust a nut in her mouth, than she gone.

||text convo||

Me:Wassup ma this August

Yashae: You finally hit me up wassup witchoo

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