Chapter forty

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*4 months later*

Christy POV

So im 8 months pregnant, and my baby boy is advanced meaning he's fully developed and i can have him at anytime. Right now august, leeyah, and I are at 10 Degrees South. Speaking of leeyah my baby is 5 months now. She is so active, and im loving her more as she grows.*4 months later*

"Babe can i have a piece of your chicken"i asked august.

"Now you know we both have the same food",he said.

"But i like yours better",i said.

"Baby its the same thing, theres no difference",he said.

"look at leeyah",i said tryna be slick. While he wasnt looking i tempted to steal a piece, but i was starlted when he caught my hand.

"You aint slick, you know i can see you out the corner of my eye",he said turning towards me.

"I just want one piece",i whined.

"Hey, stop that whining shit thats for babies",he said. Out of no where i just started crying. These hormones aint working for me.

"Baby im sorry daddy made you cry, here you can have some",he said. I instantly smiled.

"Thank you papi",i said before kissing him. After i got my chicken we ate. I gave leeyah her bottle, and she drunk that. When we were finished doing that, me and aug headed over to mama's house. It took us about fifteen minutes to get there, and when we did we got out and entered her lovely house.

"Mama",i yelled as i waddled into the kitchen.

"Im upstairs, ill be down in a minute",she yelled back. While she did what she did aug and i got confortable on the couch.

"Babe can you rub my feet, there swollen and it hurts",i said.

"of course, you lucky i love you",he said. He than began to massage my feet.

"Yaaaaaaaaaas papi",i moaned. As he rubbed my feet, i felt like i had peed on myself. Coming to find out my water broke.

"Aug baby we gotta call ima nee- AAAAAAH",i screamed. I was tryna stay calm but these contractions were just too much. When he noticed the puddle, he jumped up and got us ready.

"Mama get ready your grandson on his way",aug yelled. In no time mama s was down here.

"Baby how far apart are your contractions",she asked.

"Uhmmmmm ab-OOOOOOOH ABOUT 8 minutes ",i told her. She than got leeyah's things, and put it in the car. She called my mom, shayla and chris to tell them. As soon as we were done with that we headed towards the hospital. Mama drove, leeyah sat on the end in her seat, and aug was in the back with me. I was panicking.

"Baby breathe",aug said. He started demonstrating on how he wanted me too breathe, and soon i joined him.

"Its ok ma daddy got you",he said.

"Ok",i said. Im suprised, cause with leeyah aug was panicking with me, but now he's just calm.

"Baby i love you",he said.

"I love you-AAAAAAH",i screamed as another contraction rolled in.

"Mama we there yet",aug asked.

"Give me about 5 more minutes.

"God thats a long time",i said.

"You good, i gotchu",he said. I nodded.

"Gimme kiss",he said. I leaned over and gave him a kiss, when another contraction came.I screamed, and aug took that as a time too put his tongue in my mouth. I kissed back, than grabbed his jaw.

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