Chapter Five

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Chris POV

August told me what went down with christy. He was wrong but at the same time all he WAS doing was getting head. O'an Christy funny as  hell for doing what she did she beat August at his own game,  she played him like a play station. Anyways I'm up chilling with my baby, shayla. We are meeting with Aug and Christy at 8 for dinner ,and right now it's 3 so me and shayla are just cuddling on my couch. Oh yea me and shayla made it official.

"Baby you gone wear some sexy for daddy tonight", I said seductively.

"Maybe, maybe not , daddy gotta earn it", she said in a baby voice.

"What you want daddy to do",I said pulling her on my lap.

"You can start off by  suckingmyprettytoes",she slurring her words ,so I couldn't understand what she said

"What the hell you say", I said confused.

"I said you can start off by sucking my pretty toes ",she said turning her head.

"SIKE da fuck you thought this was",I said

"Baby I'm just playing,  but I could really use a massage though",she said smirking

"I can do that",I said I said Kissing her neck, moving her off my lap so I could get the massaging materials.

So I was giving her a massage, I wonder what that's gone turn into. Right now it was 3:30, so we still got time. I went upstairs and got towels, baby oil, some condoms (just incase ), and some ponytail holders for my baby. I walked back downstairs and set the stuff up.

"Strip",I said

And with that she stripped. Lawd my baby body was gawgeous, just by looking at her it got me hard. I'm too attached to shayla so I'm not nor is no-one gone hurt her,  PERIOD, end of discussion.

"OK baby I'm ready, just tell me what to do",she said seductively.

I laid one of the towels on the table.

"Baby lay down ",I said

She laid down,  and I put the other towel on her ass. It wasn't that big like Blac chyna,  but it was big enough like Gabrielle union. ANYWAYS after she laid down, I sprinkled the oil on her body. I then began massaging her soft,smooth body..Every now and then she would moan or say may name, and that would turn me on even more. A few seconds later she said something I didn't think she would say.

"Baby can u make love to me, like right...... NOW? ", she said.

After she said that I lost it. I caressed her body sitting on the couch pulling her down on me making her face me. I then looked into her pretty green eyes as I began to slowly kiss  her. She thought it would be nice to take control,so she got up sat on the other side of me and told me to stand infront of her. She then began to pull my shirt over my head, and pull my shorts from under my feet,I was left in my Boxers.

After that moment, she stood up and began rubbing her hands up and down my chizzled stomach. My baby was sexy As hell, now I was fully turned on. She then began to kiss on my neck and rub her body again my erecting member. So took what was mine back, CONTROL.

"Baby let daddy take over we got 4hours",I said

"OK whateva you want papa",she said laying on her back rapping her legs around my now naked body.

I spread her legs and slowly entered her. I made long deep strokes hitting her g-spot everytime.

"Baby I loveeeee it when your inside of me ",she said moaning

"I bet you do, I love being inside of you",I said

"O-my-ygodddd "she said trying tinting away from me.

"Baby don't run, take the pleasure ",I said

"Chriiiis-ooh papa "she said

"Are u holding it in",I said

"Mhmm ",she said nodding her head

"Let it baby,let it out",I said making one more deep stroke.

I looked over at my phone and realized it was 7:00. We been going for 3 hours, if only we wasn't going out.

"Baby it's 7:00, we got an hour",I said cleaning up our mess. Since we only had an hour left, we got in the shower together.After we got out we brushed our teeth together and did our other hygiene stuff.

We decided that black was the color for tonight, so I put on a black v-neck,  a some blue jeans, and my all black vans. For my baby she had on this sexy dress that had her whole back showing, with some black stilettos. She looked , beautiful.

Shayla POV

After me and Chris second sex encounter we decided to go to dinner with August and Christy. My outfit was a black bodycon dress that showed my back, I wore black stilettos. I also wore my gold chain, gold Rolex, gold earrings,and gold rings. I curled my hair in big deep curls, and did my makeup. It was going on 7:45, so me and Chris walked out of his house hand hand and hand and got in his black mustang and drove to this Italian restaurant.

August POV

My baby was still kind of mad about the situation that happened the other night ,but she said she would only behave in public. We left the house a few minutes ago and were meeting Chris and shayla at this Italian restaurant. Me and my babygirl looked good.

I had on a white v-neck, with a black vest, some white pants,  and my black vans. Christy had on this long sleeved black Bodycon dress , with the silver spiked heels. She had on silver jewelry,with her hair in a bun.

Christy POV

I'm still mad at August ,but good today while we're out. We planned on meeting Chris and shayla at this restaurant.  I'm glad I get to see my snickerdooder,  cause I haven't seen her since the day we left the mall, I mean we talk on the phone but that's not the same As seeing them in person. Anyways we were pulling up to the restaurant, and a couple of seconds after we parked,  we saw chris's black mustang pull in..We all went in at the same time. We got situated and having small talk.



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