Chapter thirty-nine

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Christy POV

When i woke up, it was going on 1:00. Damn was we really asleep that long? Well i guess we were. Anyways, i went to the bathrrom, and brushed my teeth and showered. After doing that i got dressed in a pink and black jogging suit, with black nike socks. I put my hair in a bun, than woke the girls up.

"Cuties",i said to them. They groned before getting up. When they got up, i bathed them, and dressed them. They all had on A different colored shirt, with leggings, and converse, but for now they wore there socks.

"Ok lets make uncle aug some breakfeast",i said. We all got out the ingridiants, and they helped me make muffins, bacon, eggs, and of course strawberry cupcakes.When we were finished with breakfeast, we put all his food on a tray, and i made leeyah's bottle. We carried everything upstairs, and placed it on the bed. Aug was laying on his back, with his hand in his pants, so i just sat in between his lags with the tray in my lap.

"Uncle aug wake up",kaykay yelled.

"Ughhhh",he groaned. Kaykay than started to kiss all over his face. He than sprung up, and tackled her with kisses.

"Why did you wake me up",he said kissing her nose.

"Cause we made you and lele breakfeast",she said. He than got up and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. When he came back, he gave me a kiss.

"Goodmorning baby",he said.

"Goodafternoon to you too",i said. He looked confused.

"Babe its 2:45",i said.

"Damn, but thanks for the breakfeast, and you made my favorite you must really love a nigga",he said tryna grab a cupcake. I snatched the tray away.

"Nuh uh those are the last to be eaten",i said.

"Dah' hell you are",he said tryna grab one.

"Baby i said no",i retorted moving the cupcakes from the tray. He still reached for one.

"Ok sense you dont wanna listen you dont get any cupcakes",i said eating one slowly, making it look hard for him.

"Cuties do yall want one",they smiled, i gave them i a piece, and there was one left.

"Eat your healthy food first, and you can have this if not ill eat it",i said challenging him.

"Ok fine",he said eating that food

"Can i have it now",he said. Before i answered, i took a bite.

"Oh hell nah, baby you done fucked up now",he said jumping on me. 

"Girls your aunty is down, help me", i yelled, and they all came over and attacked aug. Im glad leeyah was still sleep, and suprisingly she didnt get hit, so i grabbed her, and put her in her crib. I than walked over to were they were still fighting, and i layed on aug.

"See yall asses cheating now, a nigga cant even get up",aug said. I laughed.

"I love you baby",i said.

"Nah you dont cause you ate my cupecake.",he replied.

"I hope you know theres more downstairs.",i said.

"Oh forreal",he said raising an eyebrow.

"Yea",he than jumped up, when he exited the room.

"SIKE",i yelled, and he was back in here in 2.5 seconds on top of me.

"Why you playing with daddu emotions like that",he said getting in between my legs.

"Cause i love when were playing, and the only way i can get you to play is if i take something you like",i said. He smiled than pecked my lips.

"Well the next time, ima ignore you, cause i love my strawberry cupcakes, more den anything",he said. I raised my eyebrows.

"But i love you more",he said kissing my lips but i didnt move.

"Mhmmm",i said.

"Oh forreal so you doubting a nigga",he said.

"I didnt say that", said.

"But your actions did, like ima really choose and love a cupcake over my sexy ass wife, what could a cupcake possibly give me, nothing",he said. I busted out laughing, cause he was so serious. We than got up, and exited the room. I got leeyah carried her with me. As we were walking down the stairs, we reached the last one and aug tripped and fell.

"Awwww shit",he yelled.

"What theee fuck,",he said. By now me and the girls were in tears.

"That shit aint funny, i could have busted a nut, literally",he said. I gasped.

"Im not lying",he said gathering himself. When he got up, i put leeyah in her swing, and we just chilled.  Aug was watching TV, and while doing that i was painting the girls nails. After doing that, i flatironed kaykay's hair, braided chay's, and wand curled mya's. It was so pretty, even though chandra do hair. After doing that we just chilled, until we got a knock at the door.

"Mommy ",the girls yelled, as chandra walked in.

"Oh my your hair looks good",she said. I smiled.

"I might needa get you in my salon",chandra said.

"I mean its whatevaa",i said.

"Ok ill call yall later",she said getting there things leaving.

"Ok ",i said sitting on the couch next to aug. I layed across his lao, as he massaged my back.

"Ohh man",i moaned.

"You good",he asked, and when that happened bae started kicking my ass. I sat up, and you could literally see him kicking. 

"Awww baby look",i said to aug. He looked than smiled. He pulled out his phone and recorded it.

"Ahh shit my lil nigga got ya ass in check",he said. I stale faced him. I only had a couple months left, and i would be giving birth to a beautiful little boy. Aug than put his hand on my stomach and ant kicked. I put my hand on aug's jawline.I then pulled him closer to me, placing tiny kisses on his neck, and jawline.

"I love you daddy",i said against his neck.

"I love you too ma",he said.

August POV

My lil nigga is super active, but christy gone end up naked some where in this house, if she keep kissing on me and shit. After a while we got hungry, so i cooked some spaghetti, garlic bread, corn, and salad. While the spaghetti was cooking, i posted the video of my son.

@augustalsina: My lil nigga kicking babymomma ass, but always Capture moments like this, they're meant to be saved as memories @_prettygirlchris.

When i was done with that i finished the food, than called christy in. 

"Here baby",i said giving her, her plate.

"THank you- mmmm this is good",she said.

"Well you know how i do",i said. She laughed. This women in front of me, my women was so gorgeous, i aint even gone get in to all that. I use to be that nigga that didnt settle for no one, but to say i didnt love christy was an underestimate. After i cleaned my plate, i fed lele her bottle.

"Lele, you gorgeous, know that princess, dont eva let no one tell you otherwise babygirl, daddy gone alwaysbe here",i said kissing her forehead

"Awww baby you too sweet",christy said.

"Of course",i said as she sat down beside me.

"But forreal though, you might be goofy and annoting , but im glad you my kids father wouldnt want no ther nigga to have your title",she said. I smiled, even though she called me goofy and annoying. After i fed lele, i burped her. I than carried her upstairs, followed by christy. I changed her diaper,after doing that i layed her down. Christy and I than got in the shower. When the shower was done,we got dressed, and went to bed.

"Goodnight ",she said getting close to me, something she does everynight.

"Goodnight",i said.



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