Reminder !

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Just so you guys know, this book is planned to get up to 4 series basically there will be four books. 

1. No love

2. No Love Too: Hold you down (sequel)

and so on. Anyways go read the sequel. In this book unlike the last one, some parts WILL BE private. I know that in No Love there was ALOT of uncensored scenes, but thats changing in this book. So that mean in order for you to read soe chapters you wil have to follow. I mean common sense would tell you to follow me now, but hey i dont control no-one on here, nor am i the controlling type. 

Oh yea incase you didnt know im super chill, laid back, i only fuck with a few because theres alot of snakes in the world; am i right? Anyways, NEVER will i ever let someone put me down, mess with me, or even call me out my name. If that happens im throwing fire. Nah im messing, but forreal though i dont tolerate disrespect. If you respect me, i sure as hell will return the favor, cuase im just a "Real ass nigga coming through, Ya heard me!"

                                                                                                -Badgal.Shay 😘😍😘

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