Chapter twelve

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August POV

Today me and christy were going shopping for our baby girl we found out yesterday.

"Come on baby",I yelled Christy was taking forever to get ready, I mean I know she pregnant, but dayum it don't take allat. When she came downstairs, she had on this white floral dress with her brown wedges .Even when she carrying my seed she still look bad asf. I had on my white v-neck, khaki pants,and white vans. We took pictures and I posted them.

@augustalsina: I love it when I'm with My babies ,yea I got one on the way , but that ain't none of y'all business @_prettygirlChris

We was on our way to the mall, and Christy started screaming and crying,but she was on her phone.

"Baby what's wrong",I said worried.

"My Grammy she...she died",she said crying.

"Its gone be alright god was just bringing another child home",I said rubbing her back. When we got to the mall we walked around and got a whole bunch of clothes and shoes for lil Aleeyah. Ima spoil her rotten. When we left Christy was still down , she said she wasn't going to her funeral because she was gonna stress out and she didn't wanna loose the baby.

"Baby stop moping around and do something",I said

"August my grandmother passed away less than 4 hours ago how am I suppose to stop crying I mean I wouldn't be here without her"she said crying sitting in my lap.

"Well do it for the babies sake member if you stress we can loose her and I know u don't want that",I said rubbing her back.

"No I don't",she said poking her bottom lip out.

"Well cheer up ",I said pecking her lips.

"Get up daddy boutta cook for his lady",I said patting her thigh signaling for her to move

"What you making",she said

"gumbo",I said

"Oooh sounds good bae",she said.

"Taste good too",I said kissing her lips before going in the kitchen and washing my hands.

"OK when your done bring me my food, I'm boutta take a shower than I'm gonna read",she said.

"Iight I gochu' ma"I said. When she got up the steps I began cooking. It took about and hour to make everything than add it in one pot. When I got finished cooking I turned the stove off . I made bae a plate than put the left overs in the refrigerator, than i took it to her. When I got up there she was reading ,she looked hella sexy when she wore her reading glasses. I gave her ,her food and she loved it so much her Puerto Rican side came out.

"Mmmm estos es muy bueno",she said

"Lawd Christy you know when you be speaking that ching Chang Chong shit it be turning me on na'",I said truthfully.

"Yea I figured it would "she said eating another bite.

"OK I'm going to sleep gimme kiss",I said. She kissed me and we both went to sleep.

Awwww RIP Grammy Davis.

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