Chapter twenty-nine

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August POV

I woke up at 7a.m. and leeyah was crying. I removed her from the bed and took her to the bathroom. I craddled her, and held her neck for support.

"Its gone be ok baby girl daddy got you",i said as i wiped her face with a warm rag. I put her back in the bed, than went downstairs to make her a bottle. When i got back to the room christy was holding leeyah, hair everywhere.

"Baby this shit is scaring me",christy said. 

"I know, she's just sick, probably not use to this area",i responded.

"Ughhhhhh",she said. I grabbed leeyah from her, and she layed back down.

"Leeyah i promise its gonna get better, you hear me beautiful, daddy wont let anything happen to you ok princess",i said looking Aleeyah in her pretty eyes. Once i got her sleep again, i layed back down, with her beside me.

"Oh my god",christy said storming into the bathroom. I didnt even bother to get up, cause i know she's stressed, and worried. I soon heard little faint crys, so i walked to the bathroom, and sure enough she was balled up on the floor crying. I sat down beside her, to confort her. 

"Whats wrong baby",i asked removing hair from her face.

"I just dont want anything to happen to her, im worried about the whole situation, what if it gets worst",she said holding tightly onto my arm.

"Babe i promise its gonna be fine, lets just stay in with her for a couple of days, and see how she responds to the medicine and everything, ok ma",i said trying to be reasonable.

"ok",she said.

"Now give me a kiss",i said , she pecked my lips. I stale faced her.

"Give me a kiss",i said. This time she added a little more 'humph' to it.

"Thats my girl, now come on ",i said. She stood up, and i gave that ass a couple of taps. When we got back to the bed, we got in, and cuddled with leeyah. I hope our baby gets well, cause i aint tryna be in no hospital, but if its needed, we surely will use it.

Christy POV

We were watching TV , and august was being loud as'f.

"Nigga shut up, before you wake my baby",i said.

"Our baby and she sleep she aint gone wake up"he said.

"Ok whateva but if she do we fighting on some real shit",i said. He laughed

"Girl you dont want none",he said.

"Trust me i do",i said.

"Oh i know you do, you always do",he said smirking.

"Why you always gotta play",i asked.

"Cause thats what yung aug doe",he said.

"Booooi you really feeling ya self",i said, turning my attention back to the TV. We, well i was watching re-runs of bad girls club chicago reunion, and diamond was getting on my nerves, like bitch you WAS relavant, now you not.

"Girl get off the stage , you really do want some camera time dont you",i said shaking my head.

"You know she cant hear you",aug said.

"Duuh i know this",i said, attitude and all.

"Ok christy dont catch no attitude with daddy, cause ill put you in time out ",he said.

"FAWWWK YOU MEAN"i said looking at him. He chuckled.

"What you mean, i will do it cause i did it about a week agoooooo",he said. I stood up and started tweeking. He stale faced me.

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