Chapter forty-three

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Shayla POV

Wedded on thanksgiving, i llike the sound of that. Right now i was with christy in................. Paris ! We flew out hear early this morning, and didnt get no sleep but ill do anything for my wedding. Chris was with aug in their room while i was in mine. Christy did my makeup, and i looked so good. She did my hair in big curls that was pinned in the front, giving me that ariana grande hairstyle. She also added exstensions to make my hair fuller.After doing that, i put on my dress. It was a white mermaid dress, with a sweetheart neckline. It had lace on the top half of the dress with beads down the middle. It was perfect. Christy's dress was blue. Oh yea the colors were beige, blue, white, and grey.Once i was finished, christy just helped me relax by listening to soothing music, and massaging my shoulders.

Chris POV

Today is a very special day. Its Thanksgiving, and also my wedding day. I cant wait to see my queen. Aug was helping me get ready one because its my first time being married, and two he's been in this position. Right now i was pacing the room, cause i was so nervous. 

"Damn chris calm down", he said.

"Áugust shut up ", i said. I aint mean to be smart, but shit im nervous.

"Who da hell"', he said.

"Nigga ok when you mess up ya suit sweating and shit and shayla go off on ya ass dont say shit",he said putting his hands up in surrender.

"'Give me my hennessey",i said. He handed me the bottle, and i took that shit to the head. Once i got situated i sat down and thought about my life in the future as a married man. I mean if aug can do it, im pretty sure i can too.

"Ók im ready",i said.

"Lets do this shit", he said as we exited my room. Aug and i went and stood on the stage part of the chart and got in our positions. Everyone was already here. My mom and the fam basically was all on one bench with the kids and everybody else was scattered anywhere. Once we got situated in here, the bridesmaid came out. Christy was the only bridesmaid since tamera wasnt here, and plus she doesnt talk to alot of people. Once she entered everyone stood up. In walked my queen with antonio (christy's dad). Her father we dont know what happened but antonio volunteered to walk her. Once they reached the end of the carpet he handed her over to me. She stood infront of me and we instantly gazed into each others eyes.

"Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Chris and Shayla in matrimony commended to be honorable among all; and therefore is not to be entered into lightly but reverently, passionately, lovingly and solemnly. Into this - these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together - let them speak now or forever hold their peace." the priest said.

"The couple themselves has written there own vows",he said. I went first.

"Hmmmm baby where do i start when i first met you you were some else. You were so aggressive and hyper active. Once i got used to you it naturally faded away. Shayla Marie , you are the best thing that happened to me, and i appreciate everything youve done for me. You change me and i couldnt ask for more. You already do so much for me and sometimes i dont get to say thank you, so im thanking you know. Thank you baby and i love you", i said. She wiped one of my tears, and i kissed her forehead.

" Wow babe never knew or thought i'd be here in this position, today. I love you too much but you knew that. I know i can be annoying sometimes, but thats only cause i love you. I am your R.O.D i am the one thats gone hold you down, i am your significant other, and you are mines. Christopher Maurice i am honored, and am happy to be Ms. Brown wouldnt want it any other way. I love you baby",she said. I wiped her tear.

We slid our rings on each others fingers, and smile while doing it.

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you Mr, and Ms. Christopher Maurice Brown, you may now kiss the bride",priest said. I took no time in grabbing her sides and kissing the hell out of my babydoll.

After the wedding everyone went to Aug's house. Since his house was hue we planned on having dinner there. Shayla and i changed into some confortable clothes, than joined everyone.

Christy POV

My hoe finally married meaning she not my hoe nomore, shit fuck what chris say she still my hoe.

"Shaylala come here babe",i said. She walked over to me and took a picture with me. We was out by the pool. It was so much food here since ALL of our friends and family bought a dish we had greens, maccaroni, mashed potatoes, ham, turkey, sweet potatoes, corn, rolls, sweet potatoe pie, cookies and cream pie, chocolate cake, etc. We was really boutta throwdown. Once finished with that everyone made there plates, and we sat down to eat. My mom was with the kids this time.

"I would like to make a toast",i said standing up tapping my glass. they helled there glasses up.

"Shayla where do i start, see it aint even all that you my bestfriend my R.O.D, but you knew that i love you, you like the sister i never had with my mom, and you are my how, sorry for my language but yall family. Chris dont hurt her or we fighting, and try not to get too nasty ok, ok o and HAPPY THANKSGIVING IM THANKFUL FOR YOU ALL",i said sitting down. Everybody was laughing. Once we all got situated we began eating.




3 Hours later

After everyone left, it was just the original squad. Chris and shayla didnt feel like getting a room or going home so that meant they were staying here tonight. I made them sleep in the basement, but its cool cause its a mini house down there, anyways Aug and i were up here with the kids, and i heard some i aint wanna hear.

" Oh hell naawl see we said they could stay but we aint say they could do allat", aug said. We put the kids in the playpen, and turned the baby monitor on. We took the other one and headed downstairs to the basement. Shayla was really loud and you could hear everything.

"I know damn welll. it better not be no hole in my damn wall", aug said. I hit him in the chest. Shayla got louder and it was making me anxious to see how they did it, im just curious. So i peeked the door open, and chris had shayla in this position i couldnt put my finger on. 

"'So yall thought",i said going in fully.

"Christy what you doing",aug said. I shushed him. They didnt stop at all even though we just had a conversation. So i walked over to the bed, andnslapped shayla ass.

"Getcho ass out yall nasty", she said. 

"Says the one who spyed on aug and I almost every chance yall got ",i said. She aint say none.

"My point that got you quiet hun, ",i said leaving outta the room pulling aug with me.

"You peddy",aug said. I grabbed him and pushed him against the wall.

"But you like me so deal with it",i said grabbing his joint. He grunted. I tried walking away but he pulled me right back pushing me against the wll.

"You gone get it",he said leaning down kissing me, hard. He started puling off my shirt but i stopped him.

"Maybe later papi",i said walking away leaving him speechless. I know he gone be mad, cause AJ was at full stand, but he'll be alright i got him when the kids are sleep.......



Let me know what yall think.

O yea Congradulations to @Sailout_ go read her book Play or be played, thats my shit. Its real nice , real nice. 

And i would also like to congradulate @QuayRoyalty Go read her book Down for my Ballah  

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