Chapter thirty-three

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Christy POV

 I woke up, and it is 3 a.m. I ran to the bathroom and threw up, i was hot and sweaty, and my head hurts. I dont know if im sick or pregnant, but pregnant could be an option since aug and i had sex ALOT, and he never wraps up. Im laying on the floor weak as hell, and i cant get up.

"August",i weakly said.

"Aug",i sniffled. He was sleeping, and if i move i will throw up.

"Aug.......",i started crying. I grabbed the closest thing i could find, which was my roshe run. I picked it up, than through it at the bed, it hit august, back. He looked seeing i was on the floor, than he came in.

"Baby whats wrong",he said rubbing his eye.

"I cant do it, my head hurt, and i keep throwing up, baby what if im pregnant again",i said crying he came and sat behind me.

"Than you will be pregnant, we will just have to deal with two kids, cause im keeping mines",he said rubbing my back in circles.

"Can you take me t-",i said before throwing up. August held my hair back while i threw up. I started crying even harder, which made my head hurt worse. I then got dizzy, and my vision went blurry.

"Baby i cant see",i said, he panicked, before he picked me up. Im assuming we were in the car, and i was in the passenger seat.

August POV

I hate seeing my baby like this. If something wrong with her, she better get through, cause i cant do it without her, god i swear that women is my life. I love her more than myself, and i'd be damned if her life was taken away. I drove us to the hospital, and got her a room.

"Hi so whats going on sir",he said.

"Well my baby has been throwin up non-stop, shes dizzy, and her vision blurs out",i said.

"Well it sounds to me that she sick, andshes been stressing over it, but were gonna run some test on her",he said, i nodded. Please let nothing be wrong with my baby. Agood ole 45 minutes later he came back with results. When i looked in his face i saw sad, but good things.

"We have good and bad news",he said. Oh shit.

"Good news, she is 2 weeks pregnant, bad news she has stage 1 cancer",he said, my smile instantly turned into a frown. I dont know but i began to cry.

"Why man, why her, UGGGGHHHHHH",i screamed. I hurried to her bed side. She was resting but she needed to know.

"Stage one cancer, is usually a cancer or tumor, that has not grown deeply into the tissues, so as long as she stays healthy, excersises, and be happy, she will be fine, it CAN be cured",he said.

I was glad that it wasnt that serious, but it was serious enough. I just hope my fiance gets well, lord knows i love that women, and would die for her. She was still sleep, so i shook her a little, and she woke up.

"Yea",she said smiling that million dollar smile of hers. It made me cry.

"Baby just know i love you, ok, i will always be here for you no matter what, i have good and bad news",i said. She nodded.

"Good news is that your 2 weeks pregnant, bad news you have stage 1 cancer",i cried. I couldnt tell her that, now she's really hurt. I cant go on tour now, and i wont. I made an instagram video of us.

@augustalsina: So sorry to say this, but i will not be going on tour, i know ou guys wanted it, but i will make it up to you, i cant go because my beautiful fiance has cancer, and refuse to leave her, i still love you guys and hope you forgive me, if you dont than you's a busta @_prettygirlchris.

We got alot of good comments. I love #ALSINANATION, they some true riders.

"So i have cancer",she said. I nodded, a tear rolled down her face. She than covered her face and put her head down. I lifted it back up.

"Its not bad though since its not deep in the tissues, and it can be cured, you just gotta stay healthy , exercise, and be happy, for both you and the baby",i said before kissing her lips.

"I love you papi ,im glad i have you",she said before laying back down. I slid into the bed behind her, and held her close. I soon fell asleep, and so did she.

Chris POV

As i was scrolling down my Instagram, i saw a video that august posted. I played it, and cried when i heard what happened. Why does things keep happening to my family. Christy is like a lil sister to me, and for her to have cancer, that jus took me to a whole nother level. I told shayla, and she brokedown crying. I held her as we both cried. I hope my sister is ok.

Shayla POV

I cant believe this right now. Why her, she so good to everyone. I cant live without my bestfriend. Please dont take her away.

"Baby will she be ok",i asked chris.

"Yea christy is strong, she will make it through",he said.

"I know aug having a hard time, he love that girl more than himself",i said. Chris nodded. I couldnt deal with all this, so we just went to sleep, i hope shes ok.


"Wait something doesnt add up, is there another patient by the name of christy davis",i asked.

"Indeed there is",dr 2 said. I quickly got the right christy results, and ran to the room.

"Excuse me sir",i said waking up the man.

"Yea",he said.

"Well there was a ittle mixup, see theres another patient by the name of christy davis, and she has cancer, your christy just has a bad fever and she is pregnant"i said all in one breath. His facial exspressions went from confused to happy.

"Thanks for letting me know",he said. i nodded than walked out.

August POV

Thank god, that was a mix-up. Im glad she doesnt have it.

"Baby guess what",i said shaking her.

"I heard what he said",she said. I could hear the happiness in her voice. Shes eing released in the morning, so we will just break the news to everyone tomorrow, cause im pretty sure people will be here.After our happy moment, we went right back to sleep.



Short i know sorry.

What do yall think.

Im glad my baby dont got cancer, lord know aug would have died.

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