Chapter eight

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Christy POV

After we left the hospital me and Aug went to chris and shayla house. I'm glad my niece finally here. I'll be having little augs running around later, but now ain't the time. August been holding off his music career since he met me, but that's gonna change I don't want him feeling like he's not singing cause of me,  so I made him go to the studio today. I was going with him of course *giggles*. Anyways back to what I was saying.

"BABY come on ",I whined. august was taking forever to get ready, it ain't like we was going out, I mean we was going to the studio. I was simple I had on a white tank top, a black cardigan,  some bleach high waist pants, and my carmine 6's. 


"Damn girl,  I'm coming, I'm coming ",he said walking down the stairs. He had on a black bucket hat, a black v-neck, some Levi jeans, and his carmine 6's.

"awwww my baby wanted to match me ",I said taking a selfie of us and posting it on instagram.  We instantly got likes.

"Nahh u wanted to match me ,turn around fah' papa ",he said. I did a little spin flipping my hair. I looked bad asf.

"That ass though, you gone let papa get inat tonight ",he said smirking. I walked up to him grabbed  his neck and kissed him passionately.  I pulled away.

"Maybe. ",I said grabbing his penis then walking out the door, and locking it.

"Lawwd give me strength ",august said  coming out the house locking the door. We got in my black hummer and drove to the studio.  When we got there we got out, and walked in. As I was walking in I noticed someone familiar.

"Hey bitch remember me",yashae said walking towards me. August was standing infront of me because he knew I would fuck her up.

"Wassup you tryna settle some ",I said coming from around august, causing a big ass crowd to form in this studio.

"I mean do u want ya ass beat",she said

August and I busted out laughing.

"What's funny ",she said getting salty

"You ",I said

"bitch u better calm ya salty ass down",august said.

"Girl please ya hoe ain't gone do sh-",yashae managed to get out before I  punched her in her face, blood instantly started coming from her mouth and nose.

"Bitch. Didn'",I  said between the punches. By this time people was recording putting shit on worldstar, while Everybody else laughed.

I  stopped hitting girl and let her get up but As soon As she got up she swung on me but I  quickly caught her hand and kneed the bitch in her face.

"The fuck u thought this was HOE",I said hitting her one last time in her rib cage. I'm pretty sure It broke.  I got myself together and me and aug walked hand and hand to the studio he was using.  Everybody else left too, leaving that bitch ass hoe bleeding in the middle if the floor.

August POV

After my baby beat girl ass a second time ,I got scared(not really) .  She really know how to throw hands, and girl failing to realize it. I think it's funny how she thought she was gone beat my baby ass knowing good and damn well Christy can fight.  Anyways she brought this on herself.  We walked in my studio and sat in the couch for a minute.

"Baby I feel so good right now",christy said.

"And why is that",I said raising an eyebrow

"Because I beat the bitch ass again and I went easy on her",she said jumping up dancing.

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