Chapter sixteen (Part 1)

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*Just so yall know the dates are all kinds of fucked up, but ima make it work*

August POV
I was sleep but soon awoken by Christy screaming.

"Baby what's wrong",I said.

"GET ME TO THE HOSPITAL NOW",she said. As I was getting up I saw a puddle of liquid on our carpet. I soon realized her water broke. I called shayla, Chris, my mom, and her mom and they were meeting us there. I quickly grabbed the babies diaper bag , and some clothes for Christy and I.

"Come on baby",I said to Christy as we walked down the steps.

"AHHHHHH ",she screamed as I locked the house door. she was already sweating and all she been doing is screaming. I quickly sped to the ER carefully. When we pulled up ,I rushed her inside.

"Excuse me I need a nurse my wife is in labor",I yelled.

"Nurse we got a soon to be mommy here",the lady said bringing Christy a wheel chair.

"Thank you",I said.

As we rolled in the room everyone was in there. She was hooked up to some wires,and they gave her medicine. They said she would be pushing in an hour.
"OK baby ima need for you too push OK 1....2....3 push",ms Davis said.

"Ooooooh-AAAAAHH",Christy screamed as she pushed. She had a tight grip in my hand and that shut hurt.

"Christy only one more time,I got the head",the doctor said.

"OK 1....2....3 push",the doctor stated. After that moment I heard little cries.

September 6, 2014

Aleeyah A'Nari Alsina

1:30 a.m.

4lbs, 2oz

Brown eyes

pretty hair

"August would you like to cut the umbilical cord",the doc asked me. I nodded as I cut it. They cleaned her off then gave her to me while Christy rest.

"Hey princess its daddy here,I love you so much and I'm happy your finally here", spoke to aleeyah as a small tear escaped my eyes.

Soon everyone else came in with ALOT of gifts.

"Awwwww look at my lele",my mother said. Christy just weakly smiled. I walked over to her and kissed her forhead.

"I love you baby",I said

"I love you more Anthony",she said.


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