The Wedding

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*I skipped a couple of months, so Christy 3 months*

August POV

So today is the day i marry my beautiful girlfriend. She will no longer be Christy Davis. Anyways i miss her, cause we had to say away from each other for a whole 24 hours before this wedding. We gotta be at the hotel at 12:00, and its 8:00. I got my homeboy chris with me, and we just chillen.

"You ready for dis man",he said as he took a long drag from the blunt.

"Yea, actually i been waiting",i said taking a hit.

"I see you ",he said dapping me.

"I mean yea, I love her man, and she the only women i wanna be with, i love her and my babies more than i  love myself",i said.

"Im glad you feel that, but if you hurt my sister, just know she gone beat you ass, and the hoe you fucked",he said laughing.

"You aint never lied",i said. After that its was going on 10:00, so we needed to start getting ready. I went to the mall, and got my hair cut. I then went to the hotel, and showered, after my shower i got dressed. It was already inching towards 11:50, so i needed to be done.

Christy POV

Lord im so fucking happy, nervous, and emotional. Today is the day i get married, I will no longer be Christy Davis. It was 11:50, and all i had left to do was my hair and make-up, which shouldnt take long, since i was already dressed.I wore my hair in big curls, with an indian gold piece. I looked flawless, even while im pregnant.Then my insecurities started to get the best of me.

"oh my god, what if he says no?, what if he doesnt love me?, what if im not pretty enough",by now i was panicking. Iknew what i was saying was wrong, but i was just so nervous , i didnt know what to say. Lord after my breakdown i got fixed up. It was finally time.

"Baby its time",my dad said as he got me. All my bridesmaids went which was Chanel and Tamera, than my Maid of honor Shayla. Finally it was my turn. AS the doors opened everyone stood up watching.

August POV

It was finally time. When shayla got up here, i knew my baby was next. When the doors opened, a small tear escaped my eye. Damn was all i could think. I had everything, a nigga could want. A fine ass wife, children, and money. Nah im just messing, but her father handed her over to me, and the speaking began.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God to join together this Man and this Woman in holy Matrimony; which is an honourable estate, instituted of God in Paradise, and into which holy estate these two persons present come now to be joined.", the priest said.

"The couple themselves are gonna say vows from the heart naturally",the man man said. Iwent first.

"Wow, uhmm where do i start. Christy when i first met you, brought you on my stage, i knew i had to have you, i always wondered how i change but you did that for me. You made me realize that whats in the past stays in the past. I never knew i would fall for you like i did ,but it happened. Baby i love you so much, and wouldnt want any other woman in your spot. I love you and my children more than myself, and i would do anything for you guys,i love you baby girl, and i promise to always be there",christy had wiped away a tear i didnt even know had fell. I bent down to kis her stomach, and everyone cooed. I blew lele a kiss. she smiled.

"Uhmmm August, lord, who knew that i would be up here marrying you, it was all unexpected, but it happened for a reason. I never thought i would even get a chance to date a singer, August Alsina at that. Baby i love you so much with everything in me, and i- She stoped to regather myself. I appreciate everything you do for me. You've always held me down, and ive did the same. You blessed me, us with two beautiful children, and i couldnt ask for more. I love you baby",she said, as I wiped her tears. 

"Do you August take christy to be your beloved wife, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony? Wilt the love her, comfort her, honour, and keep her, in sickness and in health; and forsaking all other, keep thee only unto her, so long as ye both shall live?",he said

Me "I do", Chris gave me her ring, and i slid it on her finger

"Do you christy take august to be your beloved husband, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony? Wilt the obey him, and serve him, love, honour, and keep him in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all other, keep thee only unto him, so long as ye both shall live?",he said

Christy"I do" Shayla gave her my ring, and she slid it on my finger

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride",the priest said, It took me  no time, before I grabbed her face, kissing her passionately. Everyone 'awwwwwed'. 

Christy POV

"I now present to you Mr. and Mrs. August Anthony Alsina Jr.", the priest said. After the wedding, i change into a simple beige mid thigh dress, with Givenchy Cone Heel Sandal in Beige. 

"Can i have my dance",i turned around to see august.

"Yes you may daddy",i said biting my lip. As i danced my mom looked over at me, and cried, but proudly. I smiled at her. Soon i was crying too.

"Te amo papi",i said using my puerto rican language.

"Te amo también?",aug said trying to do it. I laughed

"yes you did it right that ime",i said as he wiped a tear. 

"May i have this dance",my father asked. I havent seen him in 2 years, all because of work since he's in the army.

"Papi",i cried hugging him so tightly. August held my hand.

"I missed you so much ",i cried into him

"I missed you too babygirl, but im home now",he said. After i fixed myself he spoke to august.

"So your the son marrying my daughter",he asked.

"Yes sir",aug said.

"Take care of my princess",he said.

"I gotchu",aug said.

"Oh by the way im, Antonio",he said to aug.

" August",aug said. they hugged suprisingly, than i danced with my father. 

"Hey ant can i steal her from you",shayla said. He nodded.

"Oh my god baby your glowing, you look gorgeous",shayla said.

"Thank you, your time is almost here too",i said. she smiled.

"Cant wait",she said excitedly.

After our talk, we ate dinner, than dessert.It was going on 10:00 p.m. Next was the fun part...... if you know what i mean. Lele, was with my mom, and aug's. Right now, we were entering our room in this hotel. August was kissing me pretty hard, until he pulled away.

"Strip for daddy",he said. I did as told. He then began to kiss my body laying me on the bed. He squirted whipped cream all on my body.

"Baby you ready",he said. I nodded. He than went to work.

"Mmmmm",i moaned,as he stuck his finger in my mouth.By now he was making slow deep strokes , and i felt as if he was in my stomach.

"Whose is it",he said. I moaned.

"WHOSE IS IT",he yelled. 

"You- papa, its your",i said breathing hard. After 5 hours of making love, he gave a full body massage. That escaladed real quick. It was now 8:00, in the damn morning. We did that for 10 fucking hours, but it was all for a reason. I got up brushed my teeth, and made breakfast. As i was cooking i felt arms wrap around my waist.

"So today is the offical day of you being Christy Alsina",he said.

"I know, and i love it",i said grabbing his face, kissing him.

"I love you",he said eating a piece of bacon. After eating we showered, than went to bed, since we didnt rest at all last night.*smirks*.



Awwwwww Bae finally an Alsina: Christy Ariel Alsina, im in love ! Shayla's wedding is coming in the next few chapters, just wait on it. 

(Christy Dress in the MM)

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