Chapter fifteen

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*1 month later (days before aleeyah's arrival) I'm speeding up the pregnancy*

Christy POV

Today Aug and I were going to the studio ,to work on his songs for his album.

"Baby I'm hungry",I said to him.

"What you want ma",he said

"I want taco bell",I said happily.

"Don't kill my baby, that shit unhealthy ",he said.

"Baby I just want 2 beefy 5 layer burritos",I said.

"That shit already sound unhealthy",he said smacking his teeth.

"so what......",I said as we pulled up into taco bell drive through.

"Hi can I take your order",the lady said.

"Yea my wife would like a sal--  Uhmm I would like to have 2 beefy 5 layer burritos",I quickly said cutting August off..She gave us our total ,and we got my food.

I laughed .

"What's funny",Aug said.

"You. you thought you was slick",I said

he just kept quiet ,he was obviously mad.

"Baby",I said.

"Baby,baby,baby",I repeated.

"OK be Like that then",I said crossing my arms

We pulled up to the studio, and went in to his recording room. He was still silent,and he was sitting in his chair so I decided to walk over to him.

"Baby",I said sitting in his lap holding his cheek with my right hand. He ignored me.

"Quit.Being.a.Debby.downer",I said between kisses and he didn't bulge a bit. So I started grinding on his dick,and then he started grunting.

"I see that woke ya up",I said sitting in another chair.

"Let's get this over with",he said.

He played some random beat and I began to freestyle hitting every note. I guess that took him by surprise cause he had a shocked expression on his face.

"Baby I hear you hum,but who knew you had vocals like dat'",he said

"I knew ",I said.

"oh shit sherlock",he said acting as if he was shocked.

I giggled.

"You wanna freestyle with me baby",he said bringing out his accent that I adored so much.

"Yessssss",I said.

After that we sung. It was fun too. We were finished and I was sleepy . We went home and showered and took a nap together. It was Now 7and I was bored so I woke up Aug well tried.

"Baby I'm bored",I said tapping Aug.

"that ain't my problem",he said slurring his words. shooing me off.

"Boy you betta get ya scrawny ass up and tend to me before I fuck you up",I said.

"OK baby damn",he said getting up. With that we watched movies and played games.

"August ....... I'm ready to have this baby",I said blowing my breath.

"I am too girl ,its hard carrying a baby for 9 months",he said pretending to be a ghetto girl,while he patted his weave. I started crack the fuck up,and was soon joined in on the laughter by him.

"Baby I swear I love ya ratchet ass",I said

"Girl I know I love you too",he said.

"Lele what am I gonna do with ya crazy ass father",I said rubbing my belly.

August kissed me than carried me upstairs. He bathed me than laid me doowwwwwwn . I soon fell asleep ,with august right behind me.



Short I know I'm sorry.

Surprises and more will be revealed in the next chapter.

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