Chapter thirty-six

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August POV

I woke up at 9:00, to make my beautiful wife some breakfast. I went to brush my teeth, than shower. I then headed downstairs to cook. I made eggs, bacon, grits, and pancakes. I put everything on a tray, than to it to her. She was still sleep, so i removed the covers, and sat under her, pulling her legs around my waist. I than began to give her a massage.

"Baby wake up",i said massaging her clit.

"MMMMmmm, hold on",she moeaned.

"Daddy made you breakfast",i said. She quickly jumped up, and went to brush her teeth. She came out the bathroom with a silk robe on, she sat on the bed. I fed her some eggs.

"Thank you",she said kissing me. After eating she got in the shower. When she came out, with a white crop top, and some black shorts. She sat in the chair, and i thought she looked fineeeeeee! I got out my phone and began taking pictures.

"Babe pose for daddy",i said. She posed. She then walked over to me,and straddled me.

(Christy and what she's wearing in the MM)

"Uh how about we get dressed, than mama will cater to you, since you did me so good lastnight",she said kissing on my neck.

"I would love that",i said. She scooped under my chin, than kissed me. When she pulled away, she smiled than bit her lip.

"Well come on",she said. As she stood up, i smacked her ass.

"Why so naughty",she gasped, than smirked.I just smiled at her. We got dressed, in something simple, since our clothes were coming right back off. After gathering our things, we left the hotel, and headed home. It took us less than fifteen minutes, since i was speeding. When we got home, i hurried outta the car, and entered our home.

Christy POV

Well since i was caterin to my husband, i decided to relax him. Hes downstairs waiting for me to call him up here. I have vanilla candles everywhere, the lights are low, i have oils, fruit, chocolate, and myself. Im dressed in a red lace cheetah set. I played soft music, and called aug up here. When he entered, i was laying in the middle of the bed posing. I walked over to him, than helped him remove his shirt, and pants.

"Let mama take care of you",i said. I then kissed, and rubbed up and down his chest. I guided him over to the bed, and he layed down on his stomach. I sat on his legs, than got the oils. I poured it on his back, the massaged it.

"Oh shit",he grunted. I bent down to his ear.

"You like that",i whispered, before kissing his neck, leaving my love mark. He nodded. After his back he turned over. I sat on his 'Friend', and smirked at him. I poured the oil in my hands, than applied it to his chest. He grabbed hold of all my ass. I held onto his chest, as i bent down and kissed the 'A' on his neck.He than sat up, and grabbed my face kissing me. He parted my lips open, with his tongue, and i sucked on his bottom lip. He than flipped us over, and got in between my legs.

"Baby why you so good to me",he asked.

"Cause im mama, and im suppose to take care of my baby",I  said pulling him to me.

"I love you",he said. kissing me.

"And i love you too",he said kissing my stomach. Oh yea i have to go to the doctor tomorrow for an appointment, but shayla has to come, cause she the only one that gets to know the gender since its a suprise babyshower.Back to us. He than slid my panties off, and began to you know, i aint even gone say it.

"Awwwww shit",i moaned, as i pushed his head further.

"You like that baby",he said sliding a finger in.

"Mhhhmm right there",i moaned as he hit my g-spot everytime. He than, got up and slowly enetered himself in me. The only thing you heard, was my moans, and his groans, like music to my ears. After that 2 hour long session, we got in a hot bubble bath. This time he sait in between my legs.

"Thank you for everything baby",i said wrapping my arms around his neck

"No thank you",he said. I kissed his back.

"My first time in this house as an alsina" i said tearing up. Tears of joy of course.

"Baby dont cry, you've always been an alsina before we got married",he said making me chuckle.

"Oh im so glad i have you",i said as i washed his body. He did the same to me.

"I know you are",he said smiling that million dollar smile i love.

"Cocky much",i said 

"But you love daddy's cockiness",he said raising his eyebrow.

"Indeed i do, only sometimes",i said. After washing up, we got out, and got dressed in our pj. Since we werent that hungry, well i wasnt, i just ate a fruit salad, than went upstairs. Aug soon followed. I was on instagram, when i saw a picture of michael ealy, Lawd them eyes, but aug know wassup.

"Why you smiling like that",he asked.

"Cause i just saw a picture of my fine ass husband",i said.

"Lemme see",he said. I showed him.

"Girl he aint got shit on me",aug said.

"His eyes shtting on yours though",i said.

"Girl quit flexin",he said like a ghetto ass girl.

"Flex for what",i said.

"I dont even know",he said.

"See thats another reason why i love you babe, i can play about shit like that, and you dont get mad",i said pointing to the picture of michael ealy.

"I love you too, but i dont get mad, because i already got you, and you and i both know you aint going nowhere, cause daddy do you good",he said.

"And you are one hundred percent right",i said kissing him. I then straddled him once again, and grabbed his face.

"I love you papi",i said.

"I lov you to mama",he said hugging me . I kissed his forehead, than laid beside him. I made sure i backed this fat ass on his fat- nevermind. I made sure to snuggle very closely to my sexy ass husband.

"Goodnight babygirl",he said.

"Goodnight baby",i said.



Babyshower in the next chapter, and sorry this chapter was short, ill make it up to my readers.!

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