Chapter seven

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Shayla POV

"Babe come on were gonna be late ",I yelled to Chris. We were currently rushing out the house. Today was my baby shower and I was gonna be late for my own event. YES BISHES  I'm 8 months pregnant,  and I'm ready for this baby to come out!!!!!! Everybody been there for me,  aug,  christy,  and my baby chris.  Me and and Chris are still going strong, we argue every now and then but it's never nothing too serious.

"Baby let's go ",Chris said As he locked the door to the house. We got in my Black Mercedes benz,  and drove to this club house we rented. When we arrived , it was packed like a can of sardines. We walked in and was greeted by everyone. Chris and I  quickly rushed to the front of the room, hand and hand to speak.

"I would like to thank all of you for coming out,  I really apreciate it",I said

"I would also like to thank Christy and August for putting this together,some of you would think that they were the ones having the baby the way christy was stressing on if dark pink or light pink was the color  or if navy blue or baby blue was  ,  they've been there for me through this whole journey and I thank them everyday for it ",I said giving aug a hug, then kissing christy on the cheek. I the walked over to chris and wrapped my hands around his neck."I would also like to thank my bestfriend,  my partner,  and my everything for riding with me,  I love you baby ",I said.

"I love you more ",Chris said getting on one knee. Everyone backed up,  As I sighed covering my mouth, thats when tears started to slowly fall.

"Baby the first time I met you,  you were very aggressive,  you tackled me, ",everyone laughed "But when  that day ended I instantly caught feelings.  I know its a little to early,  but I wanna spend the rest of my life with you. I don't want me nor anyone else hurting you,  and I would be dammed if you was with another nigga: @: so.... Shayla Marie Smith would u do me a favor of  be my Ms. brown ",Chris said. I quickly nodded my head As he slid they ring on my finger.  Everybody cheered and I was happy.  Aug, christy,Mamabrown ,and my mother  Crystal came over and congratulated us,  but As soon As I was about to talk I felt liquid rush down my leg.

"Shayla did u pee on yaself'",August asked.

"No dumbass my water broooooo-"I screamed. Everybody tried calming me down As Chris rushed me to the car. Christy and Chris were in the back with me while August drove. Mamabrown and My mom followed, they really liked each other, but that's besides the point.

"August get me too the hospital noww!!!!",I said squeezing the shit outta Chris hand.

"Oh shit damn bae, that shit hurt",he  said,  but I  quickly jacked him  up and said "Boy you betta quit acting like a pussy and get this fucking baby outta me ",I said. I  was sweating hard As hell


"Yes guh' ",he said. Everybody helped me out the car,  and quickly got me a room. Chris striped me and put my gown on,  and the nurses Hooked me up to the wire stuff.

"OK Mrs. Brown you ready to push",she said I quickly nodded my head. I don't know how but I was already 9.5 centimeters ,and I would be pushing in 5 more minutes. Time flew by and I was ready to push.

"OK Mrs.  Brown when I say push ,ima need you too push As hard As you can, OK ",the nurse said. I nodded, while Chris held my hand. Aug and Christy are in the waiting area so Yea,  anyways.

"Ok on three I want you to push, 1, 2 ,3 push",I pushed. An hour later my beautiful baby girl was out,  of course Chris cut the umbilical cord, and I was happy she was out . Chris picked th name,  and I agreed. 
Cierra Marie Brown
5lbs 1oz
born at 5:32
September 2, 2014
(a day before August birthday)

After all the pushing, screaming, and cleaning Aug and Christy came in. Mamabrown and my mom agreed to see the baby tomorrow, so they left.

"Awww my niece birthday before mine,  she boutta be pulling all the niggas ",August said.

"The fuck thought,  my princess ain't boutta be a hoe nor,  will she be getting hoes,  unless she come to me and I approve ",Chris said

"What you said ",christy and I said in unison.

"Man yall lame asses gotta ruin the moment ain't that right c",august  said to cierra.  She just started crying and Everybody laughed.

"Dang c you gone do uncle aug like that Oh I see how it is",august said.

"Baby can we leave now ",I whined

"Yea leggo' ",he said. with that we got all our stuff together and went to Chris house. My mom got all the gifts and shit from the club house and brought it to my crib.

(I know this chapter short I'm sorry just hadda get the baby out the way)

       Next chapter is gonna be about Aug and christy ,Chris and shayla gone be in it prolly once or twice ,but only to get baby cierra from aug and christy

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