Chapter ten

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August POV

When I woke up I heard noises coming from the bathroom, so i walked in and Christy was throwing up.

"Baby you good"I said bending down to rub her back.

"babe guess what"she said smiling before throwing up again.

"What"I said.

"I'm...I'm pregnant"she said holding up the pregnancy test.

I smiled at what she said. I'm so happy that I will be a father, I know I sound like a lil bitch but ima be a daddy the fuck am I suppose to do. I love Christy and I'm glad she having my first.

"Baby can u tell shayla",Christy said.

"Already did she said she's taking you baby shopping this Saturday",I said

"Ok ",Christy said getting up off the floor.

Christy POV

I'm so happy right now like y'all don't know how I feel. Who knew that this would happen especially with the august alsina , best boyfriend ever. I gotta tell my mom

||Phone convo||

me: mom guess what

mom: what baby

me: you have a grand baby on the way

mom: how

me: IM PREGNANT!!!!!!!

mom: woah dere,calm yourself, I'm happy for you baby girl but I have to go love you

me: love you more


"Baby ",I yelled to august.

"Yea "he said coming up the steps.

"Will u ever marry me"I said being serious

"Yea why ask",he said

"I don't know I just wanna be with you",I said

"And i only wanna be with you",he said kissing me.

"OK baby"I said sitting in his lap.

"if its a girl, what do u wanna name her", I said.

"How about Aaleeyah Anari Alsina ",he said.

"Baby I like it",I said.

"I know something else you like",he said smirking, before tickling me.

"Baaaaby stooop",I said laughing.

"OK ",he said.

"What about a boys name",I said

"What about August Anthony Alsina 3rd",he said smiling.

"Or we can do Major Anthony Alsina",I said.

"Its OK ",he said .

"I like it ",

"What daddy say",he said. I just laughed.

"I don't care what daddy say",I said standing up.

"Sit down" he said.

"OK daddy",I said sarcastically.

"Baby can u order me pizza",I asked

"yea sausage or pepperoni",he said.

"Sausage with a large coke",I said.

"OK",he said before he got his phone. He ordered my food, then we cuddled till the food got here. When the food we ate than showered together. After our shower I put a A black and pink oversized sweater with silver letters saying 'Baddie',my black joggers, and my Valentine day Jordan 6. August put on a Pink and black polo shirt, some khaki joggers, and his Valentine day Jordan 6. We match a lot now. We then went to the movies to see Let's be cops. The movie lasted 1hour 30 min. It was now 8:30 and I was tired. We went home , and I took a shower , and slipped on my bra and panties. I realized I was getting bigger and that made me smile . As I was looking in mirror felt arms wrap around my stomach and I looked to see august.

"Baby you getting bigger",august said smiling.

"I know baby my back sore can u massage it",I said.

"Yea ",he said. I sat on my stomach in the bed while he massaged my back.

"Mmmmm baby right there", it felt good and he was hitting all my spots.

"Stop with the noises you making me horny",he said.

"I'm sorry it just feels sooooo goo- mmmmm babe ",I moaned. Soon I was sleep .

August POV

My baby was sleeping . I just stared at her, seeing the most beautiful girl in the world, I felt lucky. I told my mom about her and from what I told her she already likes Christy . I have some nice planned for her the day she haves our baby ima propose. I already went ring shopping. My mom doesn't know she's pregnant so when she comes tomorrow we will break the news to her.



Christy won't be pregnant for long either.

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