Chapter thirty

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August POV

So we slept for three hourse and it was going on 8:00, and i thought id make dinner for my family. Everyone was coming over tonight, just to chill with us. I walked to the kitchen, and washed my hands. After getting settled, i decided to make fried porkchops, maccoroni, spinach, rolls, and BROWNIES! I started cooking, and got done within an hour. After i cooked, i called everyone over here. Thy were here within 5 minutes. They made their plate, and went to the living room. I walkd to the room, and got in the bed.

"Baby wake up",i said rubbing her back.

"Hmmm",she said removing all her hair out her hair. 

"I made porkchops",i said, she jumped up.

"Baby watch leeyah",i said making sure she didnt hit her. I picked up my baby, than went to the kitchen, with christy following me.I made christy a plate, than fixed leeyah a bottle. After i made my plate i went to the living room with everyone else. 

"Shayla get leeyah, and feed her for me",i said giving her lele.

"Aug im boutta go change her"shayla said. I nodded

Shayla POV

"Awwww anny's baby, you gone get better Aleeyah aunty promise",i said kissing leeyah forehead, as i walked to her little room in this suite. I grabbed her diaper bag, than put her on the changing table.

"Shooo, her stink, yes it does, yes it does",i said to her. I wiped her little booty, which was now fresh and clean, and put on her footie pajamas. As i was zipping it up, i felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. When i looked down, i knew it was chris, cause i saw his tattoo of my face on his arm.

"Baby you so damn gorgeous ",he whispered againt my neck. He than pressed 'CJ' against my butt, cause i small moan to escape my lips.

"Oh yea you getting it tonight",he said licking my neck. We exited the room together, and joined everyone else.

"I hope yall wasnt doing nothing with my baby in there",aug said. Chris smirked.

"Of course we were, i popped her pussy",chris said.

"Bitch dont get slapped",aug said standing up. I smacked chris.

"We didnt do nothing while she was in there , i promise, and you just cussed infront of your daughter",i said smiling.

"Oh shit, i mean im sorry lele, please erase your memory",aug said kissing lele's fore head.

August POV

I swear i didnt mean to cuss infront of my daughter, wait im grown, grown folks can do that, but i also dont want my daughter talking like that. I grabbed her from shayla, and me christy went upstairs. I put leeyah to sleep, than we got in the shower together. I swear nothing happened.

"Baby when we get home member im going on my tour so be ready",i said.

"Ok goodnight",she said kissing me. Everyone stayed over, i soon fell asleep.



Ok so im skipping dates, cause i dont have anymore details, or ideas for hawaii, so in the next update, if i update tomorrow, im gonna fast forward to saturday, so dont get confused. Bye Loves !!!!!!!!!!! Oh and im sorry this chapter is so short 

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