Chapter 52

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William's POV:

William woke up in the morning, feeling a bit better after his chat with ty last night. Now he just had to focus and not stress himself out. Calm and collected... like jim. Oh, speaking of jim, William should probably talk to him. Especially if he was going to try to figure out a way to mess with Harvey without interfering with what jim had planned..

William got changed before hurrying out of the room to catch jim before you had awoken. Jim was in his office, his elbows on his desk as his hands supported his bowed head. William drew his eyebrows together, recognizing the position as jim being lost in deep thought. Glancing at jim's laptop, William felt himself freeze and take a step back. At hearing him, jim immediately straightened up and stood.


"... no, it's okay. I'm okay. .. what's going on?" William asked, recovering quickly although he felt a tinge of sadness pressing at his heart. On the screen was what seemed to be a very distressed Harvey- he was holds Alex's limp body in his arms, and seemed to be shuddering with silent sobs. His good side must've finally come too and seen what he had done..

"... seems like some sort of temporary existential crisis he's dealing with. It's good, we can use that. .... unless.." Jim raised an eyebrow, glancing up at William. William tensed quickly.

"No, it's okay jim. Im.. im okay. Harvey- can't be allowed to continue. .... he just can't." William replied, earning a wide smile from jim.

"Awwww you sound like a vulnerable, emotional version of me~!!!" Jim quipped, and william rolled his eyes.

".... whatever. Jim, what are you planning on doing...? We have to get Alex out of there, before..."

"Willy boy don't worry~ Marcus was right. Alex is alive for a reason~ Harvey still needs him, and that's not going to change any time soon. Besides, if his good side still is present, maybe that contributes as to why he hasn't killed him yet... either way, he's using Alex as a pawn to keep us away however he doesn't actually want to kill him. It's just a matter of what he's doing with the blood.. he could be eternally immortal with all that, basically. However he still hasn't killed him- what more does he want from Alex? There has to be SOMETHING..." Jim stated, narrowing his eyes as he stared at the screen. William processed what his boss had said for a moment, before he felt his breath hitch.

".... he could be immortal with a fraction of the blood he took from Alex. ... but what if it wasn't just for him..." William said, his voice low. Jim glanced over at him thoughtfully.

"Yes, the thought had crossed my mind. However, Harvey doesn't care about helping people, or even 'selling' the blood for money."

".... jim, you've told me many times that the best way to hide is in plain sight- what if the point of Harvey collecting all the blood was to sell it- making his name known, getting him famous- the man with the magic blood to heal anything. However, we all know it wouldn't be the fame he's interested in- it's the power BEHIND the fame. If people know who he is, the man with blood that heals...."

"He'll be invincible- untouchable." Jim finished, as they both glued the pieces together. A note slipped under the door, jim tensed up and immediately went to it. Knowing whoever put it there was already long gone, he picked it up.

"... Tiberius?" Jim read aloud questioningly, looking over at William. William thought it over, his eyebrows drawing together. First off, he had absolutely no idea who the heck sent that note. Second. ........ ooooohhhh....

"Ty... Oh, Ty-!!"

"Yes, but Ty what-?"

"The first time I called him in quite a while... when I was still dating candy— he had to hang up suddenly, something had happened. When we realized the next morning that his life was in danger, I completely forgot to ask him about what had happened the night before- something must've happened that connects this all together-??" William said, jim slowly nodded, seeming to know something about the note that William did not...

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