The Sharpest Pain

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I wish I could say the sharpest pain
Was something fixed with first aid,
Instead of thoughts inside our brains.
It would be easier if I could find when it came
Or at least give it a name,

But this pain is not something physically real.
It's something you can only feel.
It's not so easy to heal
A pain that can not be seen
Or wounds you can't even clean.

You see this pain is the pain of love
When everything is said and done
Or even when you've left some
Because love isn't all fun
When you love someone so so so very much.

They say love is being willing to die,
But it's really choosing to be alive,
Choosing the hardest fight
Just because they gave you life,
And now your love should make it all right,

But then you part ways,
Even if only for a few days,
And all that hope begins to sway
As you realize there was so much more to say
Before they were pulled away.

It's the hurt that hits your heart
So hard it could tear you apart,
But you should have known from the start
That love could only take you so far
Before adding weight to who you are,

For now you carry more than you:
You carry all of them too,
And, even though it's true,
The pain will work it's way through,
And somehow you'll know what to do

Because the pain is worth the win
That always comes in the end
As you remember all of the times when...
Oh, don't be afraid to let them in
Because it's a truly sweet pain my friend.

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