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In the year 2043 the natural resources ran out. The United States was in deep debt to the other countries. The country scrambled for a solution having just ran out of its only valuable resource. All the remaining money went into a space program promising more resources. Several years and much planning went into the project. They spent decades searching for a planet that is habitable for humans. Finally they found the Allura star system. It housed Cambaar a planet that is perfect for human life. So began project Ark Ship. Having found a planet that would house natural resources the other global superpowers Antarctica and Europe began to fund the project. The United States built the ship in record time. However it would be hundreds of years before the ship would see land. They sent the ship off and forgot for a few years. Antarctica got tired of waiting built their own ship with even more advanced technology. The ship was a lot faster and could use space jumps more than the other ship could so it arrived first and became the first colony outside our star system. Meanwhile the other ship slowly got forgotten about and the United States made a deal to United Nations. They gave up half their land in exchange for their debt to be lifted. The United Nations split the land evenly amongst themselves and the United States prospered without the strain of debt on its shoulders. They found an oil spring in Utah and the price for oil skyrocketed. The United States bought most of its land back from the several countries. The world was careful with its oil and it shared it carefully. Than Antarctica's ship landed and the resources were transported back to earth and we prospered until the first signs of Alien life were recorded.

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