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Things have been strange ever since Lorelei left for Oasis. Tove has more power in her grasp than ever before. It is kind of scary. When I woke up this morning I woke up to loud speakers. Warnings.

"What the h-" I didn't get to finish.

The first bomb exploded. The impact sent my tent flying. I scramble out of my tent. I run. I run to try and take cover in the trees. I still have a few hundred feet to go to make it to the trees. My heart races. All I can think right now is "Keep the baby safe".

I finally find the cover I was running toward. When I am safely hidden by the trees I don't stop running. I can't risk it.

I have to stop a few times to throw up.

"Stupid pregnancy," I murmur to myself.

In the distance I can see a figure. I walk toward it. I start to recognize her.

"Hey Tatia!" I call.

She turns her head towards me. She walks to me.

"You survived," She smiled.

"You know what they say, people will survive anything for their offspring," I reply.

Tatia was one of the nurses in the hospital. That might not even be there anymore. That thought puts a lump in my stomach.

"How are you holding up?" She asks me.

"I'm fine," I tell her.

"Good. We are going to go search for others."

Walking. Why did someone invent walking. After an hour my ankles are swollen and my legs are drained of energy. We have to take a few minutes every ten minutes or so. Tatia is patient with me. We haven't come across anyone yet but we are also pretty far away from the remains of camp

"I wish the others knew they attacked," I say to Tatia.

"No. You shouldn't wish that upon your friends," She tells me.

I think about this for a minute.

"They might have been killed for all you know," Tatia tells me.

I guess that's true but Lorelei is a survivor. If I can live through a bombing than she can fight off the bombing. Lorelei is a survivor.

"Why do you want to go back?" I ask her.

"Where else would we go?" She adds, "We have no food or water or shelter here."

That is true.

It is another hour before we find someone. Her name was Kenzi. She had a burn on her arm. Tatia ripped part of her jacket to wrap Kenzi's wound.

"Did you see who did it?" I asked her.

"No," She replied, "It was like one second they were there and the next gone."

"If you don't mind me asking, how far along are you?" She asked.

"Oh, six months," I tell her.

"Wow. I don't think I could survive a bombing at six months pregnant," Kenzi tells me.

"Welp, here we are," I respond.

"Girls we have to keep looking for people," Tatia said to us.

We searched for people for hours on end. We didn't leave the trees. It was too dangerous out in the open. We finally sat down for some restless sleep.

I didn't sleep very well that night. I kept tossing and turning and I couldn't get that blazing siren out of my ears.

I don't think any of us slept at all. We all pretended. It's is like how we pretend we are okay and not facing death. I look over and see Kenzi is crying. She has every right.

"Let's go girls," Tatia says to us.

We get up and continue our journey. We finally stumble across the doctor. And that is what started our camp. The doctor started grabbing supplies before he left our colony and he had a whole backpack filled with medical supplies. We decided I would stay behind with the doctor. We started setting up camp. He started weaving vines together really tightly to create a waterproof canopy. I take a tarp from his backpack. I set it up to collect rainwater. We are near a spring as well.

"I feel like everybody knows of you but they don't know you," I tell the doctor.

"You and me both but my work schedule is pretty hectic being the only doctor here."

"Well I want us to be friends so. Hi, I'm Alivia. What's your name?" I ask.

I mostly ask this because I don't know his name.

"Sage," He responds.

"Hello Sage. It's wonderful to meet you," I smile.

He laughs.

"So, Sage, how old are you?" I ask him.

"22" He responds.

"22? That's kind of young for a doctor."

"I started training when I was 12," He tells me.

"Oh fancy," I tell him.

He laughs at my joke.

"What about you?" He asks me.

"I'm the XO," I tell him.

"Oh right."

Before long we have been sitting there talking for over an hour. It is so easy to talk to him. I could sit there forever but my com goes off.

"Sorry I have to take this," I tell him.

I walk off. I accept the com.

"Alivia!" a voice exclaims.

"Indiana?" I ask.

Indiana hadn't commed me before.

"Do you need something?" I ask.

"I needed to talk to you," He tells me.

His voice is still light. He doesn't know.

"What did you need to talk about?" I asked him.

"I needed to see how my beautiful Alivia and our baby were doing," He tells me.

I don't know what to say. Should I tell him that I almost died. Should I tell him we have only found two people from our Colony. I just hang up. I can't lie to him. He'd see right through me.

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