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I was trying to sleep. Don't these people know that? Apparently not. They kept comming me early in the morning. I finally dragged myself out of bed to answer it.

"What do you want?" I asked sleepily.

"I need to give you something you will need for your stay here." a man said.


"We need you to come pick it up in hospital room 47."

"Give me a minute to get dressed."

I hung up on them. They can wait. Or maybe they can't. I don't know. I get dressed and ready and look at my room knowing that it is probably the last time I will ever see it.

When I am ready I walk out of my room and into Tori.

"Oh, I'm sorry Tori I didn't see you there." I tell her.

"No it's okay." She told me.

"How are you holding up?" She whispered.

She is pretending to look at her clipboard. I get it. She isn't supposed to talk to me. I grab a magazine.

"I'm fine. Thank you. At least I'll have someone." I tell her.

She looked up and smiled.

"You will get a new life in the Colony." I tell her still looking at my magazine.

"I need that right now."

"Glad to help." I grin.

I walk down the halls trying to find room 47. Finally I find it and I walk in. In is a room that smells strongly of disinfectant. The nurse is wearing a mask. I grab one and wear it as well.

"Do you know why you are here?" He asks.

"Yes. you have something to give me that will help me." I tell him.


"Wonderful." I tell him.

"Now listen to me. I recommend just slipping away into a closet or something for when you use this." He tells me.

He pulls a syringe out of his pocket. He puts it in a bag and gives it to me.

"What's in the syringe?" I ask.

"It's a sedative. A very strong one. It will knock you out for 48 hours." He explains.

"Why would I need a sedative?" I ask.

"Say a nurse gave you a faulty injection that had a bad reaction with you and you passed out. It will give you a reason to stay behind." The nurse says.

Wow. That is actually really helpful.

"Thank you." I tell him.

"Another thing. Protect Lorelei. She will have a big role in this war."

"Yep. I've heard that many times." I assure him.

"Don't let her die or else our cause has gone out the window."

"I promise I would never let her die." I tell him.

He lets me leave. I feel a new sense of peace with myself now that I have the syringe.

I go to the reception.

"I need someone to talk to." I tell the receptionist.

"You can talk to me." She tells me.

"Ok. Wonderful. Back in the Colony I have a Fiancee and a baby girl. Now it's not exactly common knowledge but screw secrecy, I am staying behind to protect Lorelei. Now the thing is I don't think anyone has told my fiancee yet. I'd feel really bad if she had to find out from someone she doesn't know." I rant.

"That sucks. I have some issues as well. I'm actually pregnant."

"Oh congratulations." I tell her.

"Thank you. I was on my way home to tell my husband but he had found out I was in the Extorian rebellion. He was in tears. He divorced me. I guess he did me a favor by not telling the government on me but still. I hate it. We had been married for 5 years. I still haven't told him about the baby." She tells me.

"Well you should tell him before you leave. I know I was mad when my girlfriend at the time waited 3 months to tell me she was pregnant." I explained.

"Ok. Thank you Indiana." She smiles.

I smile back.

We both get coms at the same time. I pick mine up.

Come to the empty meeting room. We need to discuss the last details of our plan.

Me and the receptionist leave the room. We walk to the meeting room. Inside are a bunch of agitated Brights.

"Hey I have a question." The receptionist tells me.


"What did you call us before you knew we were Extorians?"

"We called you 'Brights'" I told her.

She thinks for a moment.

"I like that name." She smiles.

"I like it too."

I see Lorelei and Elijah making out in the corner. I guess Lorelei feels she needs to savor him before he is gone. When they finally break apart after what seems like an eternity of kissing I walk over to her.

"I need to talk to you." I whisper.

"What do you need to talk to me about?" Lorelei asks.

"When are you going to take your syringe? I am planning in taking mine in about ten minutes." I tell her.

"Give me a chance to say goodbye to Elijah." She whispers to me.

"Okay just don't get in over your head. It will only hurt worse." I tell her.

She sighs but nods her head.

"Okay. Stay safe Lorelei." I tell her.

Then I walk out of the room. I navigate the hallways until I find a suitable supply closet for me. I pull out the bag I had and empty the contents. I take the syringe and stick it into my bloodstream. I feel faint and I don't even feel it when I fall. Then I am out cold.

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