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Oww. Elijah packs a hard punch. I'm sitting in the hospital bed. I know I shouldn't argue. I was the one who knocked him out. By kicking him with my metal leg. I want to go apologize to him but I know I can't do that yet. Mainly because I'm too stiff to move.

"How are you feeling?" Tori asked me.

"Like I just got simultaneously punched in the face by a hammer," I sighed.

"Well that sounds about right," She tells me, "Next time we will try to give you other partners."

"There is going to be a next time?" I ask.

"Yep," She tells me.

I collapse against my pillow. I really don't want to do this again.

"Lorelei we need to tell you something," Tori tells me.

"What do you need?"

"It's about Elijah. The force you kicked him should have killed him. But he isn't dead. Even if he had a naturally hard head he should be in a coma right now but he's not. Do you see what I'm inferring here?"

"What are you talking about. Elijah is human," I tell her.

"This shocked us as well. We put him under some sedatives and started testing his DNA."

"He's human." I mumble.

"You might want to look at his family tree again because Elijah is half Extorian," Tori tells me.


"Or as you humans like to calls us 'Brights'."

"But he doesn't glow," I point out.

"That confused us as well. The one thing that distincts us from you guys when we are in our human form is a blue spot under our tongue. We checked and sure enough Elijah has a blue spot under his tongue."

"Which of his parents were B-Extorian?"

"We don't know to be honest."

I need to talk to him.

"No Lorelei. He is in a confused state of mind and this wouldn't sit well with him," Tori tells me

"Well not telling him doesn't sit well with me."

"Telling him now will deteriorate his already unstable state of mind."

"Unstable state of mind?"

"His depression. You know this Commander,".

Yeah. He hides it very well and I don't think he had his pills on him and even if he did I doubt that he would have very many left anyway.

"Can I see him?" I ask.

Tori calculates for a second.

"It might help his mental state to see a familiar face." Tori contemplates.

That was that. In about half an hour we had about half the medical staff on hand to move me to Elijah's room. It was a very painful process. The first had to take all the tubes out of my arm and move me into a bed that can actually move. Then they had to put all the liquid they were shooting into my arm into portable IVs. Then they had to inject all the IVs into my arm. Then administer painkillers so I won't be writhing in pain when I go into Elijah's room.

They were very strong painkillers. My thinking went fuzzy around the edges. I start giggling. This whole situation is funny. They are taking me to go see the person I beat up to help his mental health.

"Lorelei can you hold still for a little bit while we get you out into the hall," Tori tells me.

I didn't even realize that I was shaking. I start giggling again. Tori's accent is funny.

"You sound funny," I giggle.

"Who gave her the painkiller?" Tori asks.

A Bright girl in the back raised her hand.

I laugh out loud. Bright is a funny word. Why do we call them Brights and not Blues? They hardly glow in the light of the hospital. However they are blue all day long.

"Did you give her the whole bottle of painkillers?" Tori asks.

"No I just gave her the normal dosage," The nurse stammers.

"The normal dosage for us is not the normal dosage for humans. Congratulations she is now high on painkillers," Tori says sarcastically.

"I'm-not-high. I-feel-wonderful," I slur.

"Oh stars Lorelei. Hold on," Tori tells me.

I grab a hold of the handles on the bed.

"Can I have a garbage can please?" Tori asks.

The lady at the desk hands a nurse a garbage can.

"You," She says pointing at the nurse who administered my drugs, "You are on puke duty."

She sighs miserably.

"I'm-not-feeling so good," I slur.

I close my eyes but have to open them again when I feel the vomit coming up in my throat. I lean over the side of the bed and aim for the garbage can. I miss. I vomit on the nurse's shoes. I'll feel guilty about this later but right now I just lean back and fall asleep.

When I wake up again my head pounds.

"Oww," I groan.

"I heard you blew chunks out in the hallway yesterday," Elijah laughs.

My eyes fly open. I was in my room but Elijah was in a bed next to me.

"Yeah they got me high on painkillers," I laughed.

"Yeah they dragged me out of my room after you fell into a drug induced coma," he laughs.

My eyes get wide.

"Drug induced coma?"

"Yeah you were out for about 2 days,"

"Oof." I groan.

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