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While Elijah and I were sitting through the fight when I got the call. A Bright walked up to me and said I got a call from 7th floor security. We had made that a codename for the Colony. I apologize to Elijah and promptly ditch him. They hand me the phone and I go into the nearest open hospital room.

I try to think of who would call me. Alivia.

"Alivia?" I ask into the phone.

"Indiana," She breathes.

She sounds like she's relieved to hear me. I know something is wrong.

"I'm in labor," She exclaims.

I am blank for a moment. Happiness or fear either would be good responses to this situation but I just felt blank. I snapped back into medical mode.

"Where is Sage?"

"He is in surgery," Alivia complains.

"Who is there with you?"

"Rose. I don't think you know her but she's a friend of mine."

"Does Rose have steady hands?"

I don't really like the idea of Rose helping Alivia birth our daughter but Sage isn't there so I don't see what choice I have? I talked Rose through the process and she actually did it fairly well.

I don't know what it was but I suddenly couldn't bare the thought of not being with Alivia right at that moment. So I did the next best thing.

"Alivia will you marry me?"

It takes a few minutes for her to reply. It makes me regret my decision to ask her to marry me.

"Yes. Indiana. Oh stars yes!" She exclaims.

Rose starts cheering.

Rose and America leave us to talk with our new daughter. I am so proud of Alivia for doing this. Not just for our daughter but for me too.

"What do you want to name her?" Alivia asks me.

I think for a moment. I had actually thought of this before hand.

"I was thinking Luna. What do you think?" I ask.

"I like Luna but I think Luna Rose would be cuter."

I don't like it very much to be honest but Alivia likes it and that's all that matters to me.

I spent the next few hours talking with Alivia about what has happened in the past few weeks. They apparently are planning an escape for us.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your security call Mr. Indiana but we need you to oversee Lorelei's checkup," A nurse tells me.

I have to hang up on Alivia. My fiance just had a baby shouldn't that excuse me from having to oversee freaking Lorelei wake up from a nap that was too long?

I drag myself to Lorelei and Elijah's room and just as I suspected. Lorelei woke up from her nap. Elijah was all over her. Well not really but you could see it in his gaze that he wishes they were alone.

He is rubbing her hand in a way that makes her smile a giant smile. This was the kind of stuff that makes girls swoon but only he can really pull it off. Like if I went back to the Colony right now and did that to Alivia's hand she would probably smack me.

Alivia is strange like that. Anyway I am trying to focus on making sure Lorelei is okay while Elijah over here is like molesting her hand.

The doctors leave the room and they told me to keep watch and make sure she is ok. Mainly they just don't want to deal with me right now.

Elijah kisses her hand.

"Oh stars get a room," I groan.

"We have a room." Elijah tells me.

I guess that's true.

"What has happened since I've been in a coma?" Lorelei asks.

"Livia had her baby."

"Holy ****! I missed it! ****," Lorelei curses.

Elijah looks over at Lorelei shocked at her language.

"What? Like your so pure mr. quick to-"

"Woah woah woah. Don't finish that sentence Lorelei," I tell her.

Elijah looks embarrassed. Also on another note I am taking these 15 year olds into new light. I guess they aren't as pure as we have been lead to believe. I don't care if I get fired for leaving them but that was getting strange. I burst out of there.

"You couldn't spend the afternoon with them?" Tori asks me.

I start defending myself.

"It takes a very special type of being to hangout with two 15 year olds who are not only high on hormones but also very in love." Tori tells me.

"Teenagers are difficult." I agree.

"Soon enough your daughter will be a teenager."

"She was just born today."

"But tomorrow she will have been alive for a whole day and that's a whole day closer to her being a teenager."

"I guess so." I sigh.

"You should go sleep." Tori tells me.

I agree. I am dead tired. Today has been eventful. I walk to my room and there is a small box sitting on my bed. It is a coal black color that contrasts the Brights' white theme they have going on. I pick it up. It's not very heavy. I shake it a few times. Nothing.

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