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I haven't seen Lorelei in a while. I was under the impression that we were moving out of the hospital together but I got to the training center two hours ago and she was nowhere in sight.

"What's wrong?" Kourtni asks me.

"Lorelei isn't here yet."

"I'm sorry bud." Kourtni tells me rubbing my arm.

Strange but okay.

"Is there anything I can do?" She asks.

"I'll feel better when Lorelei gets here."

I sit there pouting on my bed. I realize that I hadn't taken any medication in a few days. A few minutes later a nurse arrives and basically shovels pills into my mouth.

Someone laughs in the corner. I turn and there is Fox. He is covered in fresh scars.

"What do you want?" I ask pissed.

"Where's your girlfriend? To busy sleeping with Indiana?" He asks.

"What do you mean?" I ask worried.

"I made friends with a cute little nurse down in the hospital. She and I hang out in exchange for information. Recently she told me some very special gossip. She saw our dear friends Indiana and Lorelei entering a room giggling like little school girls." Fox smirked.

"Shut up." I tell him.

"Doesn't it just hurt you that your girlfriend is slutting it up with her best friend's Fiance? While you are left as a pathetic excuse for a boy? If I remember correctly that exact behavior got Alivia pregnant."

"Shut Up! Lorelei is loyal!" I scream at him.

"When was the last time you talked to Lorelei?"

"Go die in a hole Fox." I spit.

"Make me."

I don't remember punching him. I'm just being honest. I only remember before and after punching him. I'm just fuming over his accusations and then suddenly he spits out a mouth full of blood laughing.

"I think you should keep your hoe on a tighter leash." He smiles a bloody smile.

"She's NOT a hoe!"

That's when I tackle him. This one I do remember. I punch him until his face is a bloody mess.

"Go rot in hell." I whisper into his ear.

Then I leave him. I feel no guilt until I'm in the shower trying to get the blood off my hands. I scrub and scrub but it won't come off. I finally give up trying to get it to come off and I get out of the shower and get dressed.

When I get back to the room Lorelei is sitting on her bunk.

"Elijah!" She smiled.

I glance over at her and look away. I go sit on my bed and try to scrub at my hands again. The blood won't come off. I try again in desperation. I am so focused on my hands that I don't even notice Lorelei come up behind me until she is laying her head on my shoulder.

"What are you doing Eli?" She asks me.

"Trying to get the blood off my hands."

"There is no blood on your hands Elijah."

She starts running her fingers through my wet hair.

"I love your hair." She tells me.

I don't respond. I'm trying to get Fox out of my head but it's not working.

"What's wrong?"

I don't answer her. She bear hugs me from behind.

"What's wrong Elijah." She laughs.

I pull her into my lap. She giggles. I sit her up straight and look her straight in the eyes.

"Do you love me?"

She stares back with such intensity that I find myself questioning me.

"I do love you. You are the miracle in my lifetime. You are the moon to my earth. No matter what you stay by me. And I love you for that. Billions of people come and go but there will never be another person like you." Lorelei tells me dead serious.

"You drive me insane Lorelei. You are crazy good at everything and it scares me because I know that I will never be good enough for you. And I'm scared for our lives. I'm so scared Lorelei." I tell her.

Her Emerald eyes seem wider and more vulnerable than I've ever seen them.

"I-" I start.

"Shh," She says placing a finger on my lips, "fear makes you stronger."

I kiss her. I kiss her with such an intensity that I can't believe she is actually here with me. I don't talk. I just hug her tight to me. She sits in my lap laying her head against my chest and I wonder how I ever doubted her.

Too bad my curiosity is evil to me.

"Is there something going on between you and Indiana?"


"Is there something happening between the two of you?"

"I'm sitting here after I confessed my love for you and you are asking if I am having an affair with Indiana?" she asks.

"Is there something in-between the two of you?"

"He is engaged to my best friend."

"Lorelei, it's a yes or no question." I tell her.

"No. Elijah, there is nothing going on with Indiana the father of Alivia's baby how just so happens to be eight whole years older than me." Lorelei told me.

"I'm sorry. I just didn't know. I let Fox get into my head." I apologized.

"Elijah. I love you and only you. You are my moons. You are my sun. You are my stars. Without you I am a dark and dreary place. Without your light I am nothing but darkness."

"No one compares to you. I'm no good for you. We might literally tear each other apart. I predict broken hearts in our future but the thing is we will always find our way back into each other's arms."

"Don't leave me." Lorelei whispers.

"I wouldn't dream of it Lore."

Lorelei falls asleep in my arms. She deserves her rest. I never realized how small Lorelei actually is. I smile down at her.

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