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Part of me regrets saying no to Elijah but we are only fifteen. I can't bear the risks. I mean I love him but I can't risk getting pregnant. Alivia is 19 and she is struggling with her pregnancy. If a 19 year old can't handle it very well I definitely can't handle it. Especially when I'm in charge of a whole civilization.

Tove wants me to come to the ship but I don't know if telling her is a good idea. I tried talking to Elijah about it but he was to distracted. He was extremely mad about something. I don't think it was me saying no. He seemed to understand my angle.

I ended up talking with Indiana about it. Mainly because he was the only one not doing things at the moment.

"Indiana we need to discuss something," I tell him.

"Did Alivia finally tell you. I've been waiting for her to tell you for a while now," He says.

"What no this has nothing to do with Alivia. But what do you want her to tell me?"

"This is really something you should hear from her and not me. Sorry Lorelei."

"Anyway back to what I was saying. We found something while searching for Grayson," I tell him.

His face changes.

"Did you tell Tove? She would love to know."

"No we haven't told Tove yet," I say.

"Wait wait wait. Why are you telling me about this?" He asks.

"You were the only one available."

"Oh. Well what is it?" He asks.

"We found a cube of metal just sitting on a field. A perfect cube. It had writing on it. We couldn't understand it but we might not be alone on this planet," I exclaim.

"Makes sense," Indiana grunts.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"I mean that we live on another planet with perfect living conditions. How did we grow to be like us. We evolved from bacteria. What if the same thing happened here?" He said.

I consider this.

"You're right. There is a big possibility of there being alien life on this planet. I need to go apologize to Elijah," I exclaim.

I rush out of the tent and to Elijah who is working on building houses.

"Elijah!" I call to him.

"Lorelei. What are you doing here?" He asks.

"I needed to apologize to you. I realized that you are probably right about the aliens thing so I'm sorry for doubting you." I say.

"You really think there are aliens on this planet?" He asks in a low voice.

"The theory of evolution. We evolved from bacteria. What's to say it hasn't happened here? There is already animals What's to say there isn't a type of animal here that has a more developed brain like ours?" I ask.

He thinks for a moment. He gives me a big grin and pulls me into a hug.

"Finally someone sees what I've seen," He whispers.

He gets back to building the houses and I get back to working the electricity. I do that for a while and Tove finds me.

"Commander. You were supposed to report back to me when you got back," She says in a sure voice.

"Well I figured the electricity was more important than reporting a piece of metal to you," I spit.

"What?" She asked.

"A piece of metal. About yay high. Had weird writing on it," I tell her.

"And you didn't think to tell me?" She fumes.

"Hey, I took an oath. The colony before weird boxy things," I tell her.

She looks like she could murder me.

Tove storms off. Elijah walks up laughing.

"The colony before weird boxy things," He laughs.

"Hey don't make fun of my motto," I laugh.

"Okay," He raises his hands in mock defense.

"I'm hungry. Want to get something to eat?" I ask.

"Ohh I thought you would never ask," He smiled.

We run to the pavillion with our food tickets.

We sit down with our dinners.

"Hey Lorelei. Now that you think there really are aliens on the planet what do you think of Indio?" He asks.

"What? Indio? Elijah do you still think he is an alien?" I ask him.

"I know it sounds insane out loud but hear me out. We only got sick after he arrived. No one knew where he was when Grayson went missing. He didn't get sick and he didn't have the gene you do," Elijah explains.

I think about what he says. When you put it all together it sounds fishy but I still don't know.

"I don't know Elijah but I'll put him under extra watch." I say back to him.

"Thank you," He says to me.

I still don't know about his claims though. After dinner I went to put more guards on Indio but I couldn't find him. Odd. My mind kept flitting back to what Elijah said. No one could find him. I ask more urgently now. No one know where he is.

"Indio!" I call out.

I run into Alaina. Good, she might know where he is.

"Alaina, do you know where Indio is," I ask her.

She glares at me.

"Why?" She asks angrily.

"I need to speak with him," I tell her.

"Did Elijah put you up to this? Tell him to leave us alone," She shouts.

"So you do know where he is?" I ask.

"No I don't know where he is and even if I did know I wouldn't tell you," She spits.

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