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Finally Indiana left. Sure we had to make him a little uncomfortable but seriously he shouldn't have been in our room in the first place. Elijah started struggling in the bed next to mine.

"What are you doing Elijah?"

"Visiting you."

I laugh. He struggles to climb up onto the bed. I start tugging his arm to get him up. Eventually we collapse on my bed in sheer exhaustion from hauling Elijah up onto my bed. We had to take out all the wires from out of my arm.

"So why did you make me do all that work to get you onto my bed?"

"Because I love you."

I smack him with a pillow.

"You made me, your girlfriend, lug your heavy butt onto my bed."

"I have a cute butt."

I smack him again.

He wraps his arms around me and I lean into him. He draws circles over my back. Elijah falls asleep underneath me and I slip out of his arms and walk around. I decide to take a shower. I start digging through my bag to find clothes. What I find is something else entirely. I pull out a black box. I examine it closely and I find a small notch in the side. I pull it and it reveals a opening in the top.

A small sheet of paper shoots out of the opening. I scramble to grab it.

Hello Lorelei. You and I will get to know each other very well in the next few weeks. But first you need to know we are considering you for a job. I have great confidence that you will make it.

I drop the paper on the bed. What in the worlds? I scramble for the the box. I examine it again and again. It is sleek and kind of a pretty material. Another paper shoots out.

It's time to chose Lorelei. Will you join us on our mission or no?

I drop the box, grab my bag and hop into the shower. I run the shower cold. Cold as I can. My head is pounding right now and I can't handle it. I start crying. My warm tears mix with my cold shower water. Why all the secrets in my life? Why? I move from one mess to a bigger one. I decide to tell Elijah about this mess.

I step out of the freezing shower and get dressed. I am about to wake up Elijah when a paper shoots out of the box. I jump.

I run to the box and catch the flying paper.

Don't even try Lorelei.

I can't stay here tonight. I run out of the room and into Leopold.

"Woah Lorelei watch where you're going."

"Sorry Leopold."

"Do you want to go somewhere?"

"Yes. Oh thank you."

Leopold leads me out of the hospital. We go through hallway after hallway until we finally...go outside.

"Wait we're outside?" I ask.

"Yes. I know it's frowned upon to go outside without reason but I always loved watching the stars and it seemed you were getting antsy inside," Leopold tells me.

"I guess I was getting antsy." I sigh.

"It's ok Lorelei. Everyone gets antsy."

We sit outside and enjoy the fresh air. It feels nice to not be a prisoner once and awhile.

"We are friends right?" I ask Leopold.

"If you want to be." He tells me.

"I want to be friends. It's nice having friends here."

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