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When I saw the vehicles I couldn't believe my eyes. On the rovers was the old American flag that the ship had on it. I wasn't exactly positive it was them at first. I read enough books not to trust the first glance, so I got closer. I saw Alivia in one of them while I was running through. I couldn't warn them though. The makeshift Militia tried shooting me. Good thing they weren't any good at shooting whatsoever. I made it to cover and comed Elijah. Hopefully he will see what I saw. I watch from my little window and see Elijah run down to the street level.

"Keep going Elijah," I say into my com.

He stops in front of the rover and peaks inside. He recognizes the people and tells people to hold fire. He leads Alivia out into the night. She seems more pregnant than I remember. I gape at her. I guess it really didn't register before but now she is showing.

"These are the people from Sun's Peak and not our enemies." Elijah tells us over the coms.

Everyone's stances relax and I start to breathe again.

"What in the worlds are they doing here?" Someone asks.

"Well let them inside and you can interrogate them to your heart's content," Kourtni tells them.

All the soldiers file out of the buildings they were in. We enter the secret entrance again and we are back into the bunker.

I was searching the crowds for my best friend. When I finally found her she was hugging Indiana. He was saying something to her and he bent down and kissed her swollen belly.

It was bittersweet. She was my best friend and now I feel like I'm losing her to Indiana.

Someone comes behind me and kisses my neck.

"Thanks for telling me not to shoot them," Elijah tells me.

"They make a really good couple don't they," I tell him.

"Sure. But I still think we are the best couple."

"Well Elijah you are extremely biased." I laugh.

"Well Lorelei so are you."

I laugh at this. His arms are still around me and we watch them. When we turn away Alivia rushes to catch up. She hugs me.

"I missed you Lorelei," She exclaims.

"I missed you to Alivia but what are you doing here?" I ask.

That question has been on my mind for a long time. Why did they decide to come now. It makes me fear the worst.

"I'll tell you later but I have big news to tell you," She squealed

"What?" Elijah asks.

"I'm having a girl!" She exclaimed.

"Congratulations!" We both exclaim.

I hug her tight. I haven't seen her this happy about something in a while.

"Let's go find some cake to celebrate," Elijah tells us.

Alivia grabs Indiana and we come across America on the way. We all head to the kitchen. We probably look pretty ridiculous. Lorelei and I still haven't taken off our ridiculous armor and Indiana has his arm outstretched on Alivia. She looks as happy as she could be. America just gawks at them. Poor America. We haven't talked to her in a while. When we enter the kitchen no one is in there. Makes sense since it's only 0100.

"Are we absolutely sure there is cake?" America asks.

"Yes. I know where it is," Elijah tells her.

Alivia smiles bigger.

"I haven't had cake in forever. Probably since Lorelei's 14th birthday," Alivia tells us.

"So much has changed since then." I tell them.

"Yea you don't have an overbite and pimples," Alivia teased.

"Lorelei without flawless skin? I would pay money to see that," Indiana laughs.

My face gets red.

"My acne wasn't that bad," I whine.

"One thing hasn't changed. Her ears still get red when she's mad," Alivia tells them.

"I think she's beautiful," Elijah says as he kisses my cheek.

Elijah opens the fridge and digs around. Finally he pulls out a whole chocolate cake. Alivia's eyes get wide. Elijah cuts giant slices of cake for us all.

"Is anyone going to notice that a whole cake is gone?" America asks.

"Probably but who cares. We are still alive," I tell her.

That is good enough for America. She digs into her chocolate cake. Indiana disappeared into a closet.

"I found the good stuff!" He exclaimed.

I looked at his hand and saw he was holding a bottle of wine.

He takes a sip and passes it to America. America almost passes it to Alivia but she thought better of it and handed it to Elijah. Elijah was about to take a sip when Indiana takes the bottle from his hand and takes a long swig.

"We can't be having underage drinking here. I am determined to be a good human being," Indiana tells us.

America and Indiana pass the wine back and forth while Elijah, Alivia and I are muttering about just getting apple juice.

We finally go to sleep. I slept alone for the first time in a while. I don't know why but I felt that I could and I was right. I slept the whole night and got much needed sleep.

In the morning we all got up earlier. It was strange it was like having the other colony here breathed new life into this bunker. Everyone was up and ready. Well except for Indiana, he was wasted. Alivia was kind of mad but she'll get over it as soon as he isn't hungover anymore. I walk into the main room and everyone is recreating. It is so cool looking at it. The people from two different backgrounds coming and joining so harmoniously. A group of kids weave racing through people. They laugh and it is the most joyous sound in the worlds. I smile a bittersweet smile. They don't understand the problems of our world and they shouldn't have to live here but they do so it's up to us to make it safe. I walk through groups of people socializing. I sit on the table and enjoy the day. I close my eyes and listen to the chatter of happy people. I sit there for a while when someone tugs on my shirt. I open my eyes and look down. It's the boy we saw on the first day.

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