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I listen to the transmission. At first it's a lot of static but then a voice starts to come in and out. I strain to make out what they are saying. Finally it comes clear enough for me to hear the words "Help----not human."

"Where were they sending this to?" I ask.

"They were sending it to the binary system right next to us," A shipper pipes in.

Tove looks worried.

"Are we sure we should be telling her this. I mean she isn't even the Commander anymore," Tove says quickly.

Everyone in the room stops and glares at her. I look around the room Tove is this close to losing control over the government. I don't think I need to worry about the people revolting.

"What are we going to do?" Akia asks.

"We are going to see if they need anything," I reply.

"No we are not," Tove says.

The entire room isn't listening to her. They are buzzing about the aliens.

"Who are they and how did they infiltrate our camp?" Asks a shipper.

"We have a few theories. And by we I mean me and Elijah," I tell the room.

"No, no. No" Tove says.

"What's your theory?" Akia asks.

I start explaining my theory about Indio.

"NO!" Tove yells.

Everyone stops and looks at her once again.

"I am the Commander and not this child. She doesn't have the right to be heard. She is just a child," She finishes in her steady voice.

Her voice seems to resonate through the room. It leaves a shaky feeling in our bones.

No one speaks.

"I'm going to go check on Elijah," I say.

I start stumbling down the hall towards my room. I open the door and he is sitting on my bed with his face in his hands. It takes me a few minutes to see the tears that leave traces down his face.

I have seen him like this before. A few times before. I am now officially worried. I take out my com and com the doctor. I told him that Elijah was being unresponsive and was just staring off into space. The doctor hurried down to the room. When he comes in I walk out. I sit out in the hallway. I put my face in my hands. What is going on in there?

How had I not seen this? His smiles became extremely rare. All I could think was, my fault. My fault. My fault.

"I'm sorry Elijah," I murmur to myself.

I didn't save you from this. I almost drift off to sleep. The sound of the door jolts me awake. I jump up. A wave of vertigo hits me and I sway. The doctor puts his hands on me to try and steady me.

"Lorelei, are you feeling ok?" He asks me.

"Yeah I'm good. Just trying to recover," I tell him.

I walk in. I stumble a little and Elijah rushes over to help me.

"Lorelei are you ok?" He asks.

"Yeah, good as I'll ever be," I tell him.

He smiles at me and we collapse onto the bed. I lay next to him. He's happy. I am happy. This is a joyous day.

"Elijah?" I ask.


"We got a transmission from your people today."

He sits up.

"What did they say?" He asks.

"You want to hear for yourself?" I ask.

He nods. We walk through the hallways to the bridge. I turn on the transmission.

"We came across it but it was sent to the binary system next to us," I tell him.

"Oh Orion a and b," I say.

"Is that what it's called?" I ask.

Elijah nods. He listens to the transmission. His eyes go wide.

"Indio," He whispers.

I nod.

"I convinced the Shippers to set up a group of maybe twenty people to go see what it's like down there. They agreed as long as both me and you go," I explain.

"Yes," He says, "If my people are in trouble than I will go."

I smile at him. He doesn't smile at me.

He is worried and I get that.

"Who are we going to bring?" He asks.

"Well we are bringing Alaina because she knows the way. We are bringing Indiana, America, Rebekkah, Grayson's sister Willow and a few other people," I say.

"I'm going to see my parents," Elijah whispers.

I forgot that his relationship with his parents isn't so amazing. I hug him.

"It's your parents. They love you Elijah," I tell him.


We go and pack. I get a pit in my stomach. It was like I knew deep down that my life was going to change so much in the next few days.

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