Lorelei: Cambaar

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When I was finally let out of the room I was in on the third floor we had already landed. I felt like the last week was a dream. It is hazy at the edges. I sprint up the stairs and to the exit area. I walk off the ship. The first thing I notice is the burnt smell. The ground I am walking on is scorched. Then I notice the fresh air. I never noticed how bad recycled air smelled until I was actually outside. I look up at the stars. We don't have the lights up yet and I can see thousands upon thousands of stars. I also see planets. Giant planets. I never realized Cambaar was so close to the other planets. I get over the star shine that is in my eyes and go help set up lights and tents. I feel a slight feeling of accomplishment that I was able to do something without the Commander. May the Commander rest in peace.

"Commander?" asked Second Shipper Akia.

"Yes Second Shipper Akia," I say.

"Should we go looking for the other people here," She asks.

"We should get settled here first," I say.

Akia walks away and I gaze up at the stars. Than I hear something. I turn my head and see them. A boy and a girl. The boy had golden brown hair and chocolate eyes. The girl had even darker hair and black eyes with tints of gold. They both had extremely tan skin. The boy stared at me and stopped. He hesitantly inched closer. I do the same. The girl steps in front of him.

"No Eli," She says in a strange accent.

It is kind of hard for me to understand what they are talking about when they aren't facing me. Eli ignores her and continues toward me. He stops just shy of me. He looks regal. His wavy hair falls into his face.

"Are you the captain?" He asks.

"Commander actually," I say to him.

He looks strange. But in a good way. He looks almost godly in the light.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"I am Elijah. The Princeps' Advisor's son," He says in their weird accent.

"I am Alaina. The Princeps' daughter," The girl says.

They are royalty. I quickly go through my information on how to act in front of royalty. I do a quick bow.

"No please as far as we are concerned you are the Princeps of your people and we should be bowing," Alaina says.

Both Alaina and Elijah bow their heads to me in a syncronized move. I am shocked. I have never been treated like royalty before.

"Why thank you," I say.

"We welcome you to our planet," Alaina says.

I nod.

"Now that we have done proper introductions, let us feast," I exclaim.

They smile. They follow me into our camp. Some of the wives are cooking a meal. It smells absolutely wonderful. Alaina is quick to join them in preparing a meal. She seems like a natural. I sit next to Elijah.

"When did the sun set?" I ask.

"About 2100 last night," He says.

"Really?" I ask.

I wish I could have seen the sunset. And to think that we were only a few hours away from landing when it set.

"Well actually the sun has been showing signs of setting for about a week but the sun was officially gone at 2100 last night," He said.

"What was it like?" I ask.

"What was what like?" He asked.

"Having the sun your whole life and then it leaves," I say.

He ponders what I say for a moment. As if he is taking everything I have said into careful consideration.

"I don't know how I feel," He says, "I mean. I have had the sun every moment of the 15 years I've lived on this planet. However During the hike to your landing area I noticed something I have never seen before."

"What did you notice?" I ask with a new curiosity.

"Alaina and I were walking to Sun's Peak, where you landed, when we came across an oasis we had discovered a few days prior. The interesting thing is I hardly recognized the place. It had changed so much because of the impending sunset. The vibrant flowers that had so captivated my attention were closing and something even more beautiful was blooming. A gorgeous white bloom that glowed bright. It reminded me of a lesson that my dad had taught me a while ago. That sometimes you have to step out of your comfort zone to see the beauty within." He explains.

I gaze wonderingly at him. He blushes.

"I was rambling. Sorry," He looks down.

"No. It's a wonderful sentiment." I say.

He looks at me and smiles.

"How old are you?" He asks me.

"I'm 15," I say.

"Very curious," he mumbles.

"What?" I say suddenly very self conscious.

"I am just wondering how you got thrown into power so young. Surely this isn't normal. Isn't it?" He asks me.

"No I guess it isn't," I say.

He nods.

"Why are you here?" I ask him.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you guys are only 15. You are the only people out here. Surely that isn't normal," I say.

"And you would be right. This isn't normal. The Princeps doesn't know where we are. He didn't want to help you guys. He wanted you to just die out I guess."

I think about this for a moment.

"Than we need to win over the Princeps."

He gazes at me for a moment. I guess trying to decide if I am serious or not.  

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