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It's been about two days since Lorelei first said no to Tove. Tove has come back with food and told us that she would give us food if Lorelei unlocked the door. She tried a lot of stuff. She brought a whole banquet. She told us she'd set us free if Lorelei came with her. Nothing she's tried so far has worked. She has moved on to a new method. Torture. She is torturing Lorelei right now. I sit on edge. I have tried pleading with the guards to let her go or at least give her a break. They haven't moved a bit. Every now and then Lorelei would scream so loud that I could hear her from the cell. It hurts me internally to know I can't help her but I try anyway.

"Please let her go! I'll go for her," I plead.

Alaina cries when she hears Lorelei's screams. I hate everything right now. Another one of Lorelei's screams pierces the air and I see red. She is in agony and I start pounding on the glass until my hands bleed. Alaina curls up on the floor and is sobbing.

"Lorelei!" I yell to her.

Her screams stop for a moment but they start up again.

"Lorelei focus on my voice!" I yell to her.

That's the last time I am allowed to yell to her. They gag me. This only makes Alaina sob louder. They gag her too. Finally after a few hours the screams stop. Two shippers carry Lorelei into the cell. They drop her on the floor which only makes her scream again. I rush over to her broken body on the floor. Tears streak her cheeks.

"Lorelei. Listen to my voice," I tell her. She opens her green eyes. They look like they are melting.

"Lorelei I love you," I tell her. She looks up at me.

I look over her. She is bleeding where her metal elbow meet her skin. Her metal leg is missing altogether. Her face is swollen and she has a cut down her temple. Blood lines her scalp. Her other arm appears broken. She bleeds on the floor and I see the light fading out of her eyes. She blinks her eyes as if she is having a hard time making me out.

"Elijah. Is that you?" She asks quietly.

I kiss her cheeks and brush hair out of her face. She closes her eyes as a spasm of pain rushes over her. Tears drip off her face as she lies motionless in my arms.

"Doctor!" I yell.

The guards look at me. They look at Lorelei.

"She is dying!" I yell.

They look at one another and look forward.

"She is going to die if you don't do anything," I yell at him.

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